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Join us in worship this Sunday! Don't forget to stop by Fellowship Hall after the service to enjoy our Second Sunday Fellowship (see below).
Scripture: Jonah 2:1–10; Romans 8:31–39
Sermon: "Hills and Valleys" by Oliver Page, Youth Ministry Director
Remember to "Pop In" to Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, July 14, for our Second Sunday celebration! Our sponsors are the Welcome Ministry and the Finance Ministry. Enjoy a POPcorn bar with toppings/add-ins, POPsicles, lolliPOPs, and more! Also, Carolyn Watkins will be making her famous chicken salad!
Families will enjoy a fishing game and being fishers, like Jesus' disciples. The Children's Ministry and Elementary Sunday School kids will share their snacks and their Sunday School offering with a mission partner that the children identify from their Matthew 25 Mission Workbook.
Join us on
Sunday, July 7, 8–8:15AM, for Jammies & Jesus! If you are on the go and can't be here in person, this is the place to play and pray with your church friends. Join us to connect and share some great "Dad jokes.”
What are the words we will use and hear most often in worship this Sunday? Here are some of them. Are there words that come to your mind during worship? Save this worship word cloud for meditation and prayer throughout the week, along with your worship words.
Homebound Communion will be offered on Sunday, July 21. Recipients may choose to have the elements dropped off the week before for those who watch services online and prefer to have communion by intinction, or have them administered by a deacon following worship on July 21.
If you would like to be included or know of anyone in the congregation who might enjoy having communion brought to their home, please contact Maureen Adams at 410.647.2550 or email her at by
Friday, July 19.
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