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This week's release at a glance:
This past week has been fraught with confusion and chaos in the midst of political violence and abusive speech. Instead of our individual differences being reflected in basic rights to free speech, we sadly seem to be fostering divisions that pit one against another. While individuals may have differing opinions regarding election preferences and political candidates, may we all agree that violence is not the way America was intended to behave in its use of freedom.
As a church, it is time for us to consider moving from political rhetoric to spiritual rhetoric. Our community of faith is to be found in Jesus Christ where we may turn to the Word of God in scripture instead of news channels. The Apostle Paul calls on us to “love one another” sowing love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness and self-control.
One clergy colleague, Dr. Sarah Butter, urges her congregation: “Let us seek to be anchored in God’s love and bear the fruit of the spirit as Christians and citizens in the complicated political milieu that is American democracy right now, and in the midst of all the complex relationships in our lives.”
We, at Woods, should strive not for political gain, but for faithful responses to the freedom that surrounds us. As we consider conversations within our families and in the world, let us remind ourselves that, as Christians, we should be ever vigilant about letting “the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.” Friends, hatred and condemnation are not acceptable.
With the peace that passes all understanding,
—Pastor Nancy
Our week of Vacation Bible School is underway! Here are some photos of our time together. And check out our Children’s Ministry Facebook page to see more!
Come and sing with us on these summer Sundays: July 21, July 28, August 18, and September 1. Members of the Adult Choir will meet at 8:45AM in the Sanctuary to rehearse an anthem, and then sing it for worship!
It’s fun, easy, and a great way to lend your voice over the summer! For more information, please email David Merrill at
We are in need of additional ushers to assist during worship. If you are interested in being a part of this important ministry, please reach out to Paul Self at
Join us for worship on Sundays this summer for a blended service at 9:30AM. This single-service will continue through Kick-Off Sunday, September 8.
This Stewardship season, our Clouds of Witnesses have pledged $1,284,611, which represents 83% of our $1,540,000 goal. Thank you so much for your continued support of Woods missions.
If you have not done so already, please make your pledge online at or fill out a pledge card in the front office.
Up a long driveway in the heart of Severna Park sits a wooden church surrounded by boxed gardens and blooming flowers. During the week, Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church doubles as an accredited preschool for children ages 2–4 in the Severna Park area. The name of the school is Woods Child Development Center (WCDC), and this year, WCDC reached a remarkable milestone: its 70th anniversary.
Woods Church is looking to hire an accountant—someone to maintain the various church funds and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the church’s Financial Policies & Procedures Manual. This is a benefit eligible, 40-hour per week position. Knowledge of accounting software and Microsoft Office applications required.
If you’re interested in this position, please contact John McLaughlin at
410.647.2550 x335 or
Are you interesting in participating in a mission trip with Baltimore Presbytery to the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) in Guatemala, November 2–9? The trip will focus on causes of immigration, as well as visits to CEDEPCA programs that support women and families, efforts to reduce emigration and domestic violence, and projects to provide sustainable employment within the country.
If you would like more information, email Sher at or call at
Our new high school youth Bible study Film and Faith! will be meeting throughout the summer, every Tuesday night , 7PM. Each week, we will be looking at scripture through the lens of some of our favorite movies! (We’ll gather immediately following Tuesday Night Thrive!). We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact Oliver Page at
Let's Continue the Conversation at Home from Sunday morning. We talked about how the church grows in WAVES and even did "the wave." There are BIG ways to grow the church, and there are small ways to grow the family of God. "Hope" is a BIG way to grow the family of God. Everyone needs hope.
During VBS, we are talking about ways that we can have hope. The story of Noah's Ark gives us HOPE through God's Holy Promise, or covenant, in the sign of a rainbow. Moses and the children of Israel were led through a sea! The waves parted the water and they walked on dry land. Their HOPE for freedom was alive in God's providence, or promise to provide for their needs and care for them.
I See You by Michael Gerhardt is a kid's book about homelessness. The homeless person is just about invisible until they are seen. Once we SEE someone, and get to know who they are and what they need, then we can grow the family of God and share hope. That could look like a safe place to sleep during Winter Relief or food to eat from SPAN.
I wonder, what needs do you SEE in your community? How will you be part of spreading the WAVE of HOPE in our community? You can contribute to our VBS collection of food for SPAN, children's shoes or socks, or first aid supplies for Cuba. I HOPE you know that we SEE YOU, and we cannot wait to SEE you again.
This week, our softball team will take the field against St. John’s at Cypress #2 on Sunday, July 21, 2PM. If you’d like to play, contact Andrew Wiley at 443.867.8803 or
No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age as of December 31, 2023. Play as your schedule permits.
Loving God, you created us in your image to serve others in love and to foster peace on Earth. We pray that your Spirit will guide us and lead us to be peacemakers regardless of the differences among us. We pray this day for all of your children and to encourage us to be citizens of free and peaceful nations.
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