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As we move into fall, the PNC has been diligently working. Once our Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) was approved and went live on the Church Leadership Connection website in July, the PNC began reviewing candidates—some of whom came through matches on the CLC site, and some of whom were self-referred. In addition to reading Personal Discernment Profiles (or PDPs), we have listened to over a hundred sermons accessed via YouTube and Facebook in our quest for a called Head of Staff. We also have contacted the many Presbyteries throughout the nation to let the Head Presbyters know of our open position so that they, too, can refer interested candidates.
Additionally, we expanded the scope of our search by advertising in two periodicals: Christian Century and Presbyterian Outlook. Each of these periodicals has both a physical and an online edition.
Recently, the PNC has conducted initial screening interviews with several candidates. Moving forward, the PNC expects to continue to screen candidates, evaluate sermons and written materials, and discern a called Head of Staff who will be able to fulfill the multi-faceted role of leading Woods Church into the future.
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