Messenger | September 20, 2023

September 21, 2023

Messenger | September 20, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • September Update From Your PNC
  • Peace & Global Witness Offering
  • Youth Updates
  • Worship & Communion Education
  • Continue the Conversation at Home
  • Backpack Buddies Program
  • Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding Event

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

It is time to reclaim a word that's fallen a bit out of favor—the word “culture.” For some, culture is a bad word, referring to passing fads and fleeting trends promoted on social media and cable TV. For others, culture is a highbrow word associated with pretentious music concerts, art exhibits, and a bias against things outside the range of upper class society. But the word culture is much broader than all that. It refers to the social life of human beings—our environment, languages, habits, beliefs, and shared values.

Included in our cultural reality is the experience of lived religious practices—e.g., belonging to a denomination, worshiping in a community, rituals of prayer practiced at home. This brings up a related question: Is our faith simply a part of the larger culture, a corrective challenging culture, or a powerful force hoping to transform culture and make it better?

These questions were raised by H. Richard Niebuhr in his book Christ and Culture. Niebuhr described how there are ways that Christ is a part of our culture as well as a figure who stands in opposition to culture. Ultimately, though, Christian faith is recognized as something that is larger than human culture and seeks to transform it according to God's plan for all creation.

An entire Theology 101 course could be offered on this topic, so before things get too heady here, let me close by offering a two word description of culture. The poet Matthew Arnold called culture "sweetness and light," which can also be understood as beauty and intelligence. Instead of diving into culture wars and bemoaning the state of society around us, there is spiritual value in looking for the expressions of beauty and intelligence in the world around us. This shouldn't be surprising as God is the source of all that is, and in God there is true beauty and deep, eternal intelligence. By our striving to see these aspects of culture, we are peering faithfully at a world made and redeemed by God.

So be a detective for beauty this week—and an explorer for intelligence wherever you go. I trust it will evoke in you a sentiment similar to that of Psalm 8:1 (O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!) and a fresh awareness of God's transforming power at work in human culture.

Peace to you in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

September Update From Your PNC

As we move into fall, the PNC has been diligently working. Once our Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) was approved and went live on the Church Leadership Connection website in July, the PNC began reviewing candidates—some of whom came through matches on the CLC site, and some of whom were self-referred. In addition to reading Personal Discernment Profiles (or PDPs), we have listened to over a hundred sermons accessed via YouTube and Facebook in our quest for a called Head of Staff. We also have contacted the many Presbyteries throughout the nation to let the Head Presbyters know of our open position so that they, too, can refer interested candidates.

Additionally, we expanded the scope of our search by advertising in two periodicals: Christian Century and Presbyterian Outlook. Each of these periodicals has both a physical and an online edition.

Recently, the PNC has conducted initial screening interviews with several candidates. Moving forward, the PNC expects to continue to screen candidates, evaluate sermons and written materials, and discern a called Head of Staff who will be able to fulfill the multi-faceted role of leading Woods Church into the future.

Peace & Global Witness Offering

The Peace & Global Witness Offering is one of the four annual PC(USA) special offerings. Funds collected go to support mission co-workers here and around the world. Additionally, 25% of the funds stay with Woods Church for our own peace and justice efforts. Look for this special envelope or give electronically through the link below.

Offering Envelopes Available

Didn't receive your offering envelopes this month?

Envelopes that can be used for any fund are on the Welcome desk. Or contact Ada Sell at to have them sent to you.

Blessing of the Animals

Join Noah’s Ark Ministry on Sunday, October 1, 1PM, at the church entrance for our annual Blessing of the Animals. The wonderful pastors at Woods Church will personally visit with each pet and bless them. A certificate of the blessing is given to show that your pet has been blessed! There will be prayers, songs, scriptures, fellowship and treats for your pets. Invite you neighbors and friends, too. All are welcome!

Youth & Children's Ministries

Worship and Communion Education this Sunday!

Children in the Upper Elementary Class of 3rd–5th graders will learn about worship and communion during the 9:30AM service this Sunday. Sarah Dziennik and Charity Matta will discuss the rhythm and order of worship. Following the 11AM service, families of our 3rd–5th graders are invited to a BYOB picnic on the playground to discuss "What's Presbyterian about Communion."

World Communion Sunday will be on October 1. The 3rd–5th graders will remain in worship after the children's moment. The class will sit together and compare what they learned to the experience of worship. This is a really special opportunity for your child to think about worship, to ask questions about the how / why of celebrating Communion.

And mark your calendars for Reformation Day, October 29! The Children's Ministry, on behalf of the church, will present our 3rd graders with a Bible. If you have a 4th grader or older who has not received a Bible and would like to be presented with one, email Include the spelling of your child's name as you would like it to appear on the bookplate.

Confirmation Class Updates

The 2024 Confirmation Class meets for their first class this Sunday, September 24, 4PM, in Room 212! But it isn't too late to sign up! If you are in grade 8 or higher and haven't yet been confirmed, register online! And contact our Youth Director Oliver Page at if you have any questions about the class.

Youth Group is Back

Our Youth Group for grades 6–12 meets every Sunday evening, 5:30–7PM, in Fellowship Hall. Join us for fun and fellowship!

Continue the Conversation at Home

Continue the Conversation at Home about making a space to stop and listen and to remember that God is with you. Watch a poem, written for you and your child, to encourage you to pause when overwhelmed. Three self-care actions can help your child be aware of how they are feeling and create a space to remember that God is with them. In that place where you pause, breathe, feel your heart beat, and listen is a way to make some space to check in with yourself. You have a quiet time to pray. Give thanks for your body, your self, and your day. This is a way to remember that God is with you now and always.

Education & Small Groups

Explore Our New Adult Ed Classes Opportunities

Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with scholar Amy-Jill Levine in her book, The Gospel of Mark, on Sundays through October 22, 11AM, in the office conference room and on Zoom.

The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels. Books are available on the office credenza.

 The Screwtape Letters by Clive Staples Lewis is a classic in Christian literature—and a deadly series, witty satire. Discover the world of Screwtape with Greg Hubert on Sundays, 11AM, in Room 208.

Woods Women's Circles

The Women's Circles of Woods Church will be starting a new monthly Bible study in September from New Horizon's Bible Study. You are invited to join us for this hope-filled study, titled Sacred Encounters. The author, Rev. Olive Mahabir, invites readers to consider Jesus, "the good shepherd," who shared the good news through sacred encounters with everyday people.

We’ll meet on Wednesday, September 27, 7PM, on Zoom. Copies of Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke–Acts are available for $10.

Contact Bev Haines,, and Nancy Nolan,, with questions.

Music News

Open Dance Classes

Woods Church has teamed up with some amazing local dance teachers to teach a variety of dance styles on select Sunday's this fall. Come and try them all, you may find a new dance style just for you! See our full schedule below.

Interested in attending? Please register using the link below. For further questions, please email Alyssa Barlis at

SEEK Band Rehearsal

Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music? Then come on down! Any youth in grades 6–12 can join our SEEK Band. The band offers music for worship regularly, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, September 17, 12:15PM.

In Our Community

Backpack Buddies Program

Did you know that in spite of the fact that Anne Arundel County has the lowest county poverty rate in Maryland, there are over 33,000 people living in poverty and nearly 1/3 of them are children! 59% of the children at Annapolis Middle School are in the school's free lunch and breakfast program (585 children). However, many of these students go home at the end of each week to a house with little or no nutritious food. This is why the Backpack Buddies Program was developed.

In order to serve the neediest students (about 75 students) at Annapolis Middle School, the Woods Church Backpack Buddies program requires $250 for each child! This provides:

  • Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack for each Saturday, Sunday and holiday of the school year;
  • Monthly "First Friday" lunch of Pizza or Chick-fil-A.
  • Safeway grocery cards sent to families prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter.
  • Target gift cards for each student's birthday.
  • Under Armor high school backpacks with school supplies for the 8th graders.

Won't you please consider full sponsorship of a child ($250) or whatever you are able? Donations can be made directly to Woods Church with AMS Backpack Buddies in memo section. Donations also can be made online at We also need sponsors to help pack the backpacks on Friday afternoons. Let us know if you are willing to help.

For more information, contact Susan Bohlman,, Kim Erickson,, or Penny/Dick Moore,

Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding Event

Do you need to get rid of unneeded hard drives and sensitive documents, but not sure how to go about doing so? You’re in luck!

The Bay Area Disciples Ministry Group of the Baltimore Presbytery is hosting a Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding event on Saturday, October 7, 12–4PM, at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church parking lot (1657 Crofton Parkway, 21114).

There’s a maximum of 4 boxes of paper/hard drives per trip. Hard drives must be out of their computer cases. Click the button below for a flyer with details.

Church Family News

Prayers for Rev. Terry Schoener

Rev. Schoener wants everyone to know how much he appreciates your cards and notes. They are meaningful and remind him of your faithful presence in his life.

Thank you also for respecting the need for privacy at this time. I am regularly dropping off your notes, and you may bring them by the front office at Woods at any time. There is a basket behind the receptionist’s desk marked with his name.

Of course, your ongoing prayers are requested for both him and Sally.

—Pastor Nancy

Congregational Prayer

Holy and loving God, all lives are yours and you seek what is best for all of us. Renew our hearts this day. Refresh our spirits. Give rest to our souls. Help us walk in your holy way so that we may be ever guided by your wisdom and accepting of your all-embracing goodness. Trusting in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray.


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