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Join us in worship this Sunday! Don't forget to stop by Fellowship Hall after the service to enjoy fellowship, bagels, and coffee.
Scripture: Matthew 17:1–9
Sermon: "Transformed to be Transfigured" by Pastor Nancy Lincoln Reynolds
Join us on Ash Wednesday, February 22, as we begin our Lenten journey together. Services will be held at 12PM and 7 PM, and will include the imposition of ashes.
Following our 12PM service, you're invited to join us for a soup and bread luncheon in Fellowship Hall.
Women's Bible Study
8AM | Conference Room | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 825 0746 9289 Passcode: 082938
Men's Bible Study
8AM | Founder's Room | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 845 5787 9211 Passcode: 159864
Children's Sunday School
9:30AM & 11AM | Sundays
Middle School Sunday School
9:30AM | Sundays | Room 208
High School Sunday School
9:30AM | Sundays | Room 212
What Are We Addicted To?
9:30AM | Conference Room | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 871 8486 5291 | Passcode: 556533
You'll need a copy of Richard Rohr's
Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
"The Life of Jesus" by Matt Williams
11AM | Conference Room |
Zoom Link
Meeting ID 882 4328 1346 | Passcode 595974
The Nicene Creed as a Foundation for Our
Understanding of the Nature of Christ
11AM | Room 208
Bring your Bible and a copy of our Book of Confessions.
Next Sunday, our 11AM Sunday Adult Education class will begin a Lenten series focusing on Witness at the Cross: A Beginners Guide to Holy Friday by AJ Levine. Books are available in the office.
Place yourself as a witness of the cross and determine what your own testimony will be! Experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple; Mary Magdalene and the other women; the two thieves; the centurion and the soldiers; and Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Other witnesses were the crowd of Jews and Romans, friends and strangers, the powerful and the powerless, and the hopeful and the despairing.
Start your Sunday with a dish of Sunshine! Join Pastor Randy and Ms. Kat for Jammies and Jesus. We will gather on Zoom, 8AM, to pray and play as we have a bowl of cereal and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made! Before heading out to the ballfield/pitch/field or while you get ready to worship in person, start your day with fifteen minutes of fellowship and fun.
Confirmation Class meets weekly on Sundays, 4–5:15PM, through March 19. Students will join on Confirmation Sunday, May 14. For more details, email Pastor Randy.
Our Youth Group will be starting up again on Sunday, February 19, 5:30–7PM, and meeting biweekly. This fellowship time will include a meal, activity, lesson, and time for connecting with friends old and new. For more information contact Pastor Randy or the church office.
CAAs part of our interim time Mission Study, the Woods congregation is requested to take an online Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) Survey. This will provide important information as the church leadership names priorities for the coming months and qualities we hope to find in any called pastors. You can read a letter from Pastor Randy and take the survey by clicking on the buttons below. Thank you for helping shape our church's future!
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