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It is a Woods Church tradition to celebrate the first Sunday after Easter with a special service that includes moments of levity, jokes, and good humor. The resurrection of Jesus Christ fills us with joy so it is appropriate to have a Joy & Laughter Sunday on April 7, 9:30AM! As a reminder, there will only be one service this week, followed by a reception to acknowledge the conclusion of Pastor Randy's time at Woods as our interim pastor. Join us on this special day!
Scripture: Mark 10:13–16
Sermon: "Children of Heaven" by Pastor Randy Bush
What are the words we will use and hear most often in worship this Sunday? Here are some of them. Are there words that come to your mind during worship? Save this worship word cloud for meditation and prayer throughout the week...along with your worship words.
Women's Bible Study
8AM | Conference Room | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 825 0746 9289 | Passcode: 082938
Men's Bible Study
8AM | Room 208 | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 845 5787 9211 | Passcode: 159864
Children's Sunday School
Middle & High School Sunday School
9:30AM | Sundays | Room 212
On Purpose: Finding God’s Voice in Your Passion
11AM | Conference Room | Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 863 1409 3966 | Passcode: 515583
Copies of
On Purpose: Finding God’s Voice in Your Passion
are available in the church office.
Confirmation Class will meet on
Sunday, April 7, 4–5:15PM. For more details, email Oliver Page.
Our Youth Group for grades 6–12 will meet on
April 7, 5:30–7PM, in Fellowship Hall. Join us for fun and fellowship!
Our next New Members Class will be held on
Sunday, April 21, 10:45AM. If you have any family, friends, or neighbors who you'd like to invite, please contact
Pastor Nancy.
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