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Dear friends and family of Woods Church,
As many of you assuredly know, one of the tenets of improv theater is the axiom of "Yes, and." One actor addresses another with an idea, to which the response is never "No, that's impossible" (which stops the momentum of the comedy) but always "Yes, and" (which builds on the idea and keeps the skit moving forward).
This coming Sunday is a big day for Woods church! It's "Kick Off" Sunday with two identical worship services, Sunday school for all ages, a free lunch, fun activities, plus much more. It's a time to reconnect children with their Sunday School teachers - yes, and it is a time to get back into the habit of weekly attendance at church. It's a chance to pray together and experience a vibrant worship service of music and liturgy - yes, and it's a chance to imagine together what bridges God is calling us to cross into the future.
It's the beginning of our fall season of programming at Woods - yes, and it's a great time to consider how you can volunteer as a teacher, ministry member, worship greeter or usher occasionally during the coming weeks. It's a time to put faith into practice - yes, and it's a moment to reflect on the old adage "to whom much is given, much is expected."
God's call to us is always designed to move us forward and keep the creative, faithful "juices" flowing. Respond to Christ's "Yes, and" by opening yourselves to the Spirit's possibilities for your life and the world around us!
Pastor Randy
Kick-Off Sunday is this week!
We will start the day with two worship services, one at 9:30AM and one at 11:00AM. Then, at noon we will have a free picnic with family games, ministry activities, and entertainment on the grounds. Please join us for our celebration of Woods: Crossing Bridges!
Congregational Meeting Announcement
On Sunday, September 25, 2022, there will be a congregational meeting after the 11:00AM service where we will receive annual reports.
SPAN Drive on October 2nd
We will be doing a SPAN food drive on Sunday, October 2, 2022 between 9:00AM and 12:30PM. SPAN has requested specific donations of:
Blessing of the Animals
Each year, Woods Church offers a blessing of the animals to which people bring their pets and/or friends of their pets for blessing and thanksgiving for their lives in Creation. This traditional celebration is held in honor of St. Francis of Assisi whose love for God’s creatures was his expression of devotion to God.
This year’s Blessing is October 2nd at 1:00PM outside the front of the church at the steps. “Animals” refers to all the living creatures people wish to bring for a blessing: cats and dogs, birds, reptiles, and fish, domesticated or wild. Any creature of fur, fin or feather; flying, amphibious, creeping or crawling is welcome. When people are not able to bring an animal, they may wish to bring a picture of an animal they love or an endangered species in the wild.
Join us for this important recognition of God’s creation. Please make sure that leaches, crates, cages and tanks are included for the safety of your pet and others.
Women's Bible Study
Attention all Women of Woods Church
The Presbyterian Women of Woods Church will begin their 2022-2023 Bible Study year in
September. We will be using the Presbyterian Women/Horizon Bible Study. This year's study is
Celebrating Sabbath, Accepting God's Gift of Rest and Delight
by Carol M. Bechtel
Join a Women's Bible study and learn how God wants us to celebrate the Sabbath and celebrate Creation. Our Circles meet on the Second Tuesday of the month at 10:00am and the Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM. We will gather on Tuesday, September 13 at 10:00 am in Zimmerman Hall for Lesson 1 and share lunch together. If you are interested in joining a study, please contact Nancy Nolan You can purchase a book for study on your own, too.
Books will be available for $10.00 this Sunday by the Welcome table in the lobby!
Adult Choir
The beginning of the Adult Choir’s church year is upon us! Come join us as we sing and lead worship through all styles and genres of music. ALL are welcome to come and sing! We rehearse Thursday evening’s at 7:00pm in the choir room, and our first Sunday is Kick Off Sunday, Sept 11. We look forward to having you with us! For more information please email David Merrill at
Children's Choir
Our Children’s Choir is about to start back up! Wahoo! Any child in 1st - 5th grade is welcome to come sing! Our first rehearsal will be Sunday Sept 25 - from 12:15 - 12:45 in the choir room. For more information please email David Merrill at
Seek Band (Youth Choir)
Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music… then come on down! Any Youth 6th grade - 12th grade come and join our SEEK BAND. The Seek band offers music for worship regularly, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Our first rehearsal is Sunday Sept 25 from 1:00 - 2:00. Our first Sunday in Worship is Youth Sunday, Sunday Oct 9. For more information please email David Merrill at
Please welcome Eric Willner as our new Coordinator of Worship Technology! We're also announcing Jack Steedman as the Youth Ministry Intern!
Notice of Death of Parish Associate
It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of the Reverend Marie Frances Sheldon. Marie served as a Parish Associate to Woods Church.
A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held at Woods Church and announced in a future email.
Please keep Marie's family and friends in your prayers.
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