Messenger | September 27, 2023

September 27, 2023

Messenger | September 27, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Kickoff Sunday Recap
  • Blessing of the Animals
  • September Update From Your PNC
  • Peace & Global Witness Offering
  • Getting Ready for the Holiday Bazaar
  • Let’s Celebrate World Communion Sunday
  • Continue the Conversation at Home
  • Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding Event

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

If someone asked you whether you read the Bible, what would you reply? Some of you are diligent Bible readers, maybe working your way through all 66 books through regular reading sessions. Some of you are occasional readers, while others are only familiar with the Bible through Bible study classes or simply listening to the various passages read in worship each Sunday.

The more important question is to ask ourselves how we are supposed to understand what is written in the Bible. Some may reply that you simply understand the Bible by reading it and concentrating on the literal meaning of the words on the page. But reading always involves more than just superficial comprehension. Reading a novel involves the suspension of disbelief and allowing yourself to inhabit the world created in the work of fiction. Reading poetry involves opening ourselves to the rhythm and rhyme and metaphors embedded in the verses as they take you to deeper understanding. And reading scripture requires a similar openness to God's Holy Spirit as we ponder what these ancient words mean for our lives today.

In John 16, Jesus said, "The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth, declaring to you the things that are to come." Scripture was never intended to be a Wikipedia article answering our questions with concise snippets of information. Scripture is something in which we are immersed and discover what we need to know through the guiding insights of God's Spirit. One theologian wisely said, "Living with the scriptures is more like sailing than like building cathedrals. We don't have control over the elements—just enough to navigate in the face of surprising shifts of wind and changing water conditions." (That's an apt analogy for Maryland sailors!)

So take a scriptural sailing excursion this week. Just read a verse or two, a psalm or a parable. Don't try to control it or even fully understand it. Let it speak in its own way and allow God's Spirit to let you hear it in a fresh way. If ever we needed the "Spirit of truth," now is the time!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

Kickoff Sunday Recap

Blessing of the Animals

Join Noah’s Ark Ministry on Sunday, October 1, 1PM, at the church entrance for our annual Blessing of the Animals. The wonderful pastors at Woods Church will personally visit with each pet and bless them. A certificate of the blessing is given to show that your pet has been blessed! There will be prayers, songs, scriptures, fellowship and treats for your pets. Invite you neighbors and friends, too. All are welcome!

September Update From Your PNC

As we move into fall, the PNC has been diligently working. Once our Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) was approved and went live on the Church Leadership Connection website in July, the PNC began reviewing candidates—some of whom came through matches on the CLC site, and some of whom were self-referred. In addition to reading Personal Discernment Profiles (or PDPs), we have listened to over a hundred sermons accessed via YouTube and Facebook in our quest for a called Head of Staff. We also have contacted the many Presbyteries throughout the nation to let the Head Presbyters know of our open position so that they, too, can refer interested candidates.

Additionally, we expanded the scope of our search by advertising in two periodicals: Christian Century and Presbyterian Outlook. Each of these periodicals has both a physical and an online edition.

Recently, the PNC has conducted initial screening interviews with several candidates. Moving forward, the PNC expects to continue to screen candidates, evaluate sermons and written materials, and discern a called Head of Staff who will be able to fulfill the multi-faceted role of leading Woods Church into the future.

Peace & Global Witness Offering

The Peace & Global Witness Offering is one of the four annual PC(USA) special offerings. Funds collected go to support mission co-workers here and around the world. Additionally, 25% of the funds stay with Woods Church for our own peace and justice efforts. Look for this special envelope or give electronically through the link below.

Getting Ready for the Holiday Bazaar

In the coming weeks, we will be highlighting the stations/tables at the Woods Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 18. There are also ways that you can be involved as well. The Bazaar has many years of beloved traditions.

One of the favorite booths is the Sweet Shop, offering the famous "Buckeyes" and many other delicious treats, just in time for your holiday festivities. You can support the volunteers who make the candy for the Sweet Shop by donating specific items to help defray their costs. Click the button below for more information and to sign up for a donation.

Calling all Bakers: We need cookies, mini cupcakes, cakes, pies, mini pies, tarts, mini loaves, breads, or whatever is your specialty. Please bring your items to the church on Friday, November 17. We also need volunteers to help sell the goodies from 9AM–1PM on Saturday. We know you want to shop the Bazaar, so if you can give an hour to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, olive oil will be for sale at our table. Contact Maribelle Carter at or Sally Sachse at with questions.

Homemade Jams are back! Lots to choose from: strawberry, peach, raspberry, peach pineapple, peach melba, blueberry, strawberry rhubarb, cherry, and triple berry. If anyone has extra half-pint, normal mouth jars lying around, we would love to take them off your hands for next season. And if anyone has flavor suggestions, we would love those too! Contact Sarah Ward at

And remember, 100% of the proceeds from the Bazaar support Mission activities of our church!

Youth & Children's Ministries

Let's Celebrate World Communion Sunday

This week, we celebrate World Communion Sunday.

The Upper Elementary Class, grades 3–5, learned about Worship and the Lord's Supper last week. This week, the class is invited to sit together during worship after the children's moment.

Third graders will receive Bibles during worship on Reformation Sunday, October 29. Any parent of a third, fourth, or fifth grader who would like to receive a Bible should check with the Children's Ministry team to confirm their child's name preferences/spelling. Contact Frances Carty or Kat Green

Continue the Conversation at Home

Continue the Conversation at Home with My Voice is a Trumpet by Jimmie Allen and illustrated by Cathy Ann Johnson. Sunday we heard about someone who wanted to know "why" everyone was paid for a full day's work if they did not work a full day. We also heard about Jacob who cheated his brother out of SO MUCH, and needed to say he was sorry. Both of these stories show people using their voices to ask, to learn, to teach, and to repair a community. The community of God is where "everyone has enough and no one has to be afraid." The vineyard workers all ended up with enough. Jacob reconciled with his brother and no longer had to be afraid. How can you use your voice to build community and teach, learn, tell, or question?

Education & Small Groups

Explore Our New Adult Ed Classes Opportunities

Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with scholar Amy-Jill Levine in her book, The Gospel of Mark, on Sundays through October 22, 11AM, in the office conference room and on Zoom.

The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels. Books are available on the office credenza.

 The Screwtape Letters by Clive Staples Lewis is a classic in Christian literature—and a deadly series, witty satire. Discover the world of Screwtape with Greg Hubert on Sundays, 11AM, in Room 208.

Woods Women's Circles

The Women's Circles of Woods Church will be starting a new monthly Bible study in September from New Horizon's Bible Study. You are invited to join us for this hope-filled study, titled Sacred Encounters. The author, Rev. Olive Mahabir, invites readers to consider Jesus, "the good shepherd," who shared the good news through sacred encounters with everyday people.

We’ll meet on Wednesday, September 27, 7PM, on Zoom. Copies of Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke–Acts are available for $10.

Contact Bev Haines,, and Nancy Nolan,, with questions.

In Our Community

Meet the Artists

The Annapolis Watercolor Club featured in our current exhibit “Brushstrokes” will be in the gallery Sunday, October 8, following the 9:30AM service to discuss their artwork. The club devotes itself exclusively to the practice, education, and promotion of watercolor as an art medium. It is a vibrant, active, and enthusiastic organization with over 150 members.

The exhibit will run through November 6, and is available for viewing during normal church hours, 9AM–5PM.

Backpack Buddies Program

The Backpack Buddies Program at Annapolis Middle School sends weekend food home for up to 75 food-insecure students. We need donations of $250 per student, but any amount is greatly appreciated! Perhaps you and your book club, walking group, Bible Study, or ChristCare group would consider sponsoring a student. Sponsorship covers weekend food for the school year, First Friday lunches (pizza or Chick-fil-A), grocery gift cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, birthday gift cards, and high school UA backpacks for the 8th grade Buddies in June. Checks should be made out to Woods Church with Backpack Buddies in the memo line. They can be given directly to Susan Bohlman or left in the Backpack box in the Church office. Or you may pay online.

Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding Event

Do you need to get rid of unneeded hard drives and sensitive documents, but not sure how to go about doing so? You’re in luck!

The Bay Area Disciples Ministry Group of the Baltimore Presbytery is hosting a Hard Drive Destruction & Paper Shredding event on Saturday, October 7, 12–4PM, at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church parking lot (1657 Crofton Parkway, 21114).

There’s a maximum of 4 boxes of paper/hard drives per trip. Hard drives must be out of their computer cases. Click the button below for a flyer with details.

Congregational Prayer

Holy and loving God, all lives are yours and you seek what is best for all of us. Renew our hearts this day. Refresh our spirits. Give rest to our souls. Help us walk in your holy way so that we may be ever guided by your wisdom and accepting of your all-embracing goodness. Trusting in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray.


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