Messenger | September 11, 2024

Sep 11, 2024

Messenger | September 4, 2024

 This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • New Members Class on September 15
  • Coffee & Conversation with Pastor J.C.
  • A Job Well Done
  • “Youth Summit” Retreat
  • Choirs are Starting Back Up
  • Spirituality for the 21st Century
  • Group Spiritual Direction
  • Service for Charles Miller

Pastor's Message

What an amazing day last Sunday was! The energy in worship was especially wonderful, and it was great to be able to connect with so many of you during the Kick-Off Sunday events after worship. I’m so grateful for all the worship and ministry leaders who made the day such a rousing success. I’m already excited for this coming Sunday, as well, as we transition back to two services at 9:30AM and 11AM, and to have our first Coffee and Conversation gathering after the second service to give me a chance to spend time with you in a smaller and more interactive space than Sunday worship. If you haven’t heard about this or haven’t signed up, please look for the info below in the Messenger.

Speaking of connections, I wanted to say a word about social media. As we all know, social media can be a space that emphasizes division, but it can also be a very helpful tool for connection. To that end, you can find me on Instagram and Facebook, where I tend to focus most of my social media activity (I’m on TikTok, but not especially active!). If you want to connect with me on social media, just send me a request, which I’ll be happy to accept. I make a point of not initiating connections on social media, though, as not everyone wants that kind of connection with their pastor, so you will have to reach out to me!

In any case, I hope to connect with you soon, whether in person, online, or both!

Grace and Peace,

—Pastor J.C.

Church News

New Members Class

Start a new season at Woods Church! We’re hosting a New Members Class in the Founders Room on Sunday, September 15, 10:45AM.

If you or someone you know may be interested in joining our faith family, please email Kathy Hamlett at

Coffee & Conversation with Pastor J.C.

Starting on Sunday, September 22, through Sunday, November 24, the Rev. J.C. Austin, our new Senior Pastor, will be hosting an hour of coffee and conversation in the Founders Room immediately following our 11AM service. This is an opportunity for you to get to know Pastor J.C. and share your joys and hopes for Woods Church.

We ask that you sign up by contacting Pam Ward at or 443.261.3263 and let her know what date you would like to attend. Alternately, you can stop in the church office on Sunday and sign up for a Sunday that works for you.

Open Dance Classes

In order to bring the community together in a fun and movement-based way, join our Worship Ministry for a series of dance classes this fall! Professional teachers are set to offer a variety of dance styles—including jazz, musical theater, contemporary, tap, yoga, and more! Classes are open to anyone age 12 and over, in & outside the Woods community. All experience levels are welcome, though classes will be taught at an intermediate level with options for beginners and advanced students.

Our first class will be on Sunday, September 22, 2–3:15PM, in Fellowship Hall. For more information, email Alyssa Barlis at

A Job Well Done

Many people have remarked on how beautiful the recently cleaned stone work looks at the front and side entrances of our church this past week.

The Property Ministry extends a big Thank You to Alex of Checkmark Power Washing of Severna Park for his generosity to Woods Church for doing this two day job at no cost to Woods Church for his crew’s services.

We’re Hiring an Accountant

Woods Church is looking to hire an accountant—someone to maintain the various church funds and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the church’s Financial Policies & Procedures Manual. This is a benefit eligible, 40-hour per week position. Knowledge of accounting software and Microsoft Office applications required.

If you’re interested in this position, please contact John McLaughlin at 410.647.2550 x335 or

Education & Small Groups

Savvy Seniors is Moving to Sunday

New for this season, our monthly Savvy Seniors speaker series will be offered on the third Sunday of each month, 11AM, in Room 208. (The 11AM Bible Study class will be on hiatus those weeks.) Our first presentation on September 15 will be led by Sandy Bishop of Cycling Without Age Anne Arundel (CWAAA).

Recently, you may have seen the trishaws (three-wheeled rickshaws) making their way along the B&A Trail, or crossing B&A Boulevard from the Sunrise complex. They are part of the CWAAA program, which offers seniors in assisted living sites the opportunity to feel the wind in their hair as they are piloted along cycling-safe trails for a journey through nature. Along the way, memories are shared, history recalled, and fresh stimuli are encountered in the outdoor setting. All rides are free and all pilots (“drivers”) are volunteers.

Come learn more about the program and its unique benefits for communities traditionally unable to enjoy the world by cycling. Find out how you or someone you love can participate, whether as a rider or a volunteer pilot.

For questions, please contact Sarah Wilson at or by phone at the church.

New Adult Education Class

Adult Education is offering a new 11AM study on Sundays, September 22–October 13, and October 27–November 3, featuring Context by Rev. Josh Scott. Exploring the chapter behind the verse, Context looks at Bible verses we know by heart but may not know the people, places, and times that give them meaning.

Rev. Scott delves into these well-known Scripture verses, exploring their true meanings by examining them in their original biblical context. Through this process, he unveils fresh and enlightening interpretations.

Books are on the office credenza. We’ll meet in the Office Conference Room and on Zoom.

Youth News

“Youth Summit” Retreat

All youth in grades 6–12 are invited to join us for our beginning-of-the-year retreat at West River Retreat Center, Friday–Saturday, October 4–5!

Any questions? Contact Oliver Page, our director of Youth Ministry at

Children's News

Growing in Grace & Gratitude

This year, children—3-year-olds to fifth graders—are Growing in Grace and Gratitude.

Our 9:30AM classes meet every Sunday! 3-year-olds in our PreSchool class gather in Room 107. Our Kindergarteners in the Early Elementary class meet in Room 150. Third graders in our new Bible Navigators class meet in Room 152. Fourth and fifth graders in our Bible Explorers class are in Room 154.

Our 11AM classes begin on Sunday, September 15! 3-year-olds through Kindergarteners will gather in Room 107. Our Elementary Age children will meet in Room 152.

Note: 9:30AM and 11AM stories are usually different. Come make a joyful noise in Children's Ministry!

Continue the Conversation at Home

Let's Continue the Conversation at Home from Sunday morning. We talked about names and were encouraged to wear nametags. We were reminded that the one name we all share is "Child of God."

We heard about God calling Abram and Sari to go to a new land. God changed their names to Abraham and Sarah. Their names were "exalted father" and "princess," but they became "father of nations" and "mother of nations." God changes their names and makes a covenant, a holy promise that is made by God that tells us who we are and who we belong to! We are each "a child of God" and we are part of God's family.

That reminded me of In God's Name by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. In it, we wonder what to call "God." The book has so many people who name God how they experience God. There is "friend," "ancient one," "wisdom," "comforter," "kindness." That made me think, what if we weren't just a "child of God" by name, but it was how people experience us. I wonder what that would look like? Would it look like "generous sharing?" Maybe it would be "caring for others."

How will you experience God this week? I would love to hear how you are being a "child of God" by name and action.

Music News

Choirs are Starting Back Up

For more information on any of our choirs, please email David Merrill at

Children's Choir | Grades 1–5

Rehearsals resume on Sunday, September 22, 12:15–12:45PM, in the Choir Room. Wahoo! Any child in grades 1–5 is welcome! And yes, we have candy!

SEEK Band | Grades 6–12

Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music? Then come on down! Any youth in grades 6–12, is welcome to join our SEEK Band. We regularly offer music for worship, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Our first rehearsal is on Sunday, September 15, 1 – 2PM.

Adult Choir

Rehearsals ware on Thursdays, 7PM, in the Choir Room. Join us as we sing and lead worship through all styles and genres of music. All are welcome! We look forward to having you with us!

Counseling & Care Center Offerings

Spirituality for the 21st Century

Beginning Monday, September 23, 4:30PM, at the Counseling & Care Center, Bill Hocking will present a TED talk by theologian and author, Joan Chittister, on growth as a result of struggle; sharing wisdom gained through personal struggle.

Seminars will be held every other Monday through December 2, in the Large Group Room. Future seminars will feature Father Richard Rohr on love, suffering, and current social justice issues; and Brian Swimme's TED talk, "The Third Story of the Universe."

A complete schedule and summary of presenters' topics will be available at the Welcome Desk. For further information, email Nancy Sullivan at

Group Spiritual Direction

Join Bill Daniel in the Woods Counseling & Care Center’s Large Group Room on Monday, September 30, 4:30PM, to learn more about Spiritual Direction with small groups.

This class will offer spiritual direction with intentional action to turn to God. Each member will share an experience, while all prayerfully consider where God is in the situation. Each participant acts as a spiritual guide to the presenter.

Each group will consist of four participants and will practice confidentiality. Groups will meet monthly for six months and have the opportunity to continue to meet on their own after the end of your initial six months with your facilitator.

Church Family News

Service for Charles Miller

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Elder Charles Miller, will be held at Woods Church in the sanctuary on Friday, September 20, 2PM. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.

Please keep Charlie’s family and friends in your prayers.

A Moment of Prayer

Loving and gracious God, we give you thanks for new beginnings in life; for being given opportunities to start anew both in existing programs and in unchartered ones. We continue to pray for your guidance and direction as we take steps in new paths. Let us continue to be mindful of the gifts of the Spirit that we may offer them to others in our walks.


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11 Sep, 2024
• Pastor’s Message • New Members Class on September 15 • Coffee & Conversation with Pastor J.C. • A Job Well Done • “Youth Summit” Retreat • Choirs are Starting Back Up • Spirituality for the 21st Century • Group Spiritual Direction • Service for Charles Miller
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• Pastor’s Message • Celebrating Kick-Off Sunday • Coffee & Conversation with Pastor J.C. • New Members Class on September 15 • Spread the Joy • Confirmation Class Signups • Choirs are Starting Back Up • Condolences to the Family of Irene Kaufmann • Condolences to the Family of Charles Edgar Miller
30 Aug, 2024
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