Messenger | November 22, 2023

Nov 22, 2023

Messenger | November 22, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Session News
  • An Advent Welcome: The Artistry of Woods Church
  • Advent Art Exhibit
  • Preparing for Advent
  • New Adult Ed Class for Advent
  • Give the Gift of Giving this Christmas
  • Gloria Deo! A Very Cello Christmas Concert

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

From my office desk, I have a lovely view of the native plantings, trees, and birdhouses that make up the Meditative Garden on the back side of the church. As part of this garden, there is a curvy stepping-stone trail that is a particular favorite of the children who attend the Child Development Center. Almost every day around lunchtime, I'll see a small parade of tiny heads go past my window as they follow the path among the plantings and bushes. (Actually, given the children's diminutive size, I typically only see hair ribbons and stocking caps go by.)

Even though there are well-maintained sidewalks that lead from the church doors to the parking lot, this stepping-stone trail is much more enticing to children of all ages. They seem to intuitively know how much better it is to go through life exploring and winding along secret paths than it is to simply march in organized fashion along well-manicured and formal sidewalks.

Do you remember what it felt like to "blaze a new trail" or to journey down a "road less traveled"? And, to borrow the conclusion from Robert Frost's poem, did such wandering truly "make all the difference in the world?"

For the Thanksgiving holiday, it is common to offer up prayers of gratitude for blessings received. Perhaps spend some time considering the pathways you have traveled in your life (winding ones or straight and narrow ones). Think about which ones were particularly influential in shaping who you are today. Consider when you felt especially close to God, or when Christ's nudges helped guide you in a fruitful direction. Maybe find a moment to rekindle your inner child and let God prompt you to explore a new path in the days ahead. Remember that life's journey is just as important as life's destination!

All the best in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

Session News

At the November 15 Session meeting, the following actions were taken:

  • Approved our charter relationship with Boy Scout Troops 339 and 1983 and Scout Pack 858 for another year
  • Updated the Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church Bylaws (last updated in 2000) and will present them to the congregation for approval in January 2024
  • Approved a motion to name the newly refurbished entrance of Fellowship Hall as the "Schoener Prayer Chapel"
  • Approved a salary increase for installed pastors of 1.5% (as of February 1, 2024) and an additional increase of 2% beginning July 1, 2024

Christmas Eve Worship Schedule

Join us for worship and to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24. Our schedule is as follows:

  • 9:30AM | Morning Worship (4th Sunday of Advent)
  • 3PM & 4PM | Christmas Pageant
  • 6PM | Contemporary Christmas Eve service
  • 8PM | Traditional Christmas Eve service
  • 10PM | Traditional Communion service

We’re also looking for extra greeters who are willing to help at our services. Contact Nancy Nolan at if you’re able to help.

Woods MinisTREES

Visit the Woods MinisTREES outside of the 150's classrooms. See the many ways our ministries work for "the kingdom come."

An Advent Welcome: The Artistry of Woods Church

When visiting Woods Church, members, friends, and guests are welcomed with unique bronze figure door handles. In this video, learn about the apostles Mary Magdalene and Simon Peter, whose figures greet you at our main entrance.

Advent Art Exhibit

The Advent Art Exhibit is a special exhibit that is open to our congregation and friends. This exhibit signifies the power of faith and love that bound the community together to share the hope, faith, peace, love, and joy of the Advent message. Stop by to experience the exhibit November 26–January 8.

All artists are invited to attend a reception after worship on Sunday, January 7.

PNC Update for November

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has conducted many screening interviews, and that process has yielded several candidates whose gifts would be assets to Woods Church. We are continuing to evaluate candidates and are working towards a goal of narrowing the pool in order to proceed to our next step of in-person interviews with a select group of pastors.

Please continue to keep the PNC in your prayers as we work diligently on the important process of selecting a Head of Staff candidate to present to the congregation for its approval.

We’re Looking for a Kitchen Coordinator

Woods Church is seeking a kitchen coordinator who will assist with food ordering, preparation, and serving meals for the Child Development Center and church events. This is an hourly, full-time position and the person is eligible for Woods health insurance coverage.

To apply, submit information to John McLaughlin, director of operations, by emailing

Youth & Children's Ministries

Preparing for Advent

Parents, caregivers, and trusted adults, who doesn’t count the days until Christmas? This Advent, we have several ways to help you and your family count down the days until we celebrate “Emmanuel,” God with Us.

Family Advent Pizza Party | Join us on Wednesday, November 29, for a pizza party as we prepare for the season. Make ornaments, tackle the Bethlehem escape room, walk the Christmas Labyrinth, and pick up your family Advent Spiral Calendar while supplies last. Spirals can be decorated however you wish. There also is a pewter figure to represent Mary/Joseph/our walk toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Of course, on December 25, you add the baby Jesus in a manger! Register online.

First Sunday of Advent | Pick up or download the Reflective Advent Devotional. It has a short and child-friendly home wreath lighting ceremony, a weekly reflection with a question to consider, and a path for stars. It starts on Sunday, December 3.

Christmas Pageant Practice | Our annual Christmas Pageant is is a great way to “put on” and “enter into” the story of Jesus’ birth. It is a wonderful family experience! We’ve got shepherd and angel costumes in all sizes!

  • Adults will practice on Monday, December 18, 4–5:30PM.
  • There will be a dress rehearsal for all participants on Tuesday, December 19, 4–5:30PM.
  • The Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 24, 3PM & 4 PM.

And join us to celebrate Jesus’ birth at our Christmas Eve services on Sunday, December 24.

  • Contemporary Service, 6PM
  • Choir and Instruments, 8PM
  • Instruments, Soloists, and Communion, 10PM

Continue the Conversation at Home

Sunday's story was Esther. She found herself in a bad situation and was afraid. However, she was made royal (a queen) for just that moment when she could make a difference. She saw a chance to do something and she took it. What Do You Do with a Chance? by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom tells us that we can take a chance when we see it. I wonder if you will have a chance this week to make a difference. Will you reach out to someone who is alone on Thanksgiving? Will you sign up to make a difference in the life of someone at Pinewood Village? How will you make a difference where you are? Check out the MinisTREES in the Sunday School hallway for ideas!

Education & Small Groups

New Adult Ed Class for Advent

Adult Education is offering an Advent study, The Wonder of Christmas: Once You Believe, anything is Possible, by Ed Robb & Rob Renfroe. The class will meet on Sundays, November 26–December 17, 11AM, in the office conference room and on Zoom. Rediscover the true wonder of Christmas by sharing the love of Christ with others. The book, videos, and Bible study center on key elements of the Christmas story. The course also looks at the stories of real people today to offer inspiration and ideas for reflecting the light of Jesus at Christmas and throughout the year. Books are on the office credenza.

Missions News

Give the Gift of Giving this Christmas

Share the love of Christ, and buy Christmas gifts that will change the lives of people who are in the heart of God, while warming the hearts of those on your gift list. From Sunday, November 19–December 10, join us in Fellowship Hall for a Season of Giving at Woods for you and your family. For every gift given, we will place one ornament on our very own Christmas Tree. Let’s see how beautiful Woods’s generosity can be!

Sponsor Local Children From SPAN

Buy toys, clothing, or a gift card for local children referred to us by SPAN (Serving People Across Neighborhoods). This year, we hope to assist 35 children from 1–18 years old have a few gifts to open Christmas morning this year. Items are due back no later than Sunday, December 10, 12PM.

For more information, contact Karen Jackson at

Elderly and Disabled From Pinewood Village

Provide a laundry basket for elderly or disabled adults in a low-income neighborhood in Glen Burnie. While there are many programs that support their rent and utilities, during the Christmas Season, we feel called to provide these 64 residents with the basic necessities. Baskets are due back on Sunday, December 10, 12PM, and will be delivered on Saturday, December 16.

Sign up online! Contact Oliver Page at with any questions.

Save the Date for Winter Relief

Winter Relief is coming January 22 – 29, 2024. Sign-ups begin December 17, 9AM. At that time, you will be able to sign up to help after each service in Fellowship Hall or on the Church website. There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations.

Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or email

Music News

Gloria Deo! A Very Cello Christmas Concert

Come join us on Saturday, December 2, 7PM, as we celebrate the start of the Christmas season! This special program will feature a professional cello octet and a small orchestra from the D.C./Baltimore area. In addition, we’ll have our Adult Choir, Praise Team, Seek Singers, Children’s Choir and our incredible dancers with choreography by Elysia Merrill. It’s a perfect way to begin your Christmas!

This concert is free but a ticket is required at For more information, please email David Merrill at

Messiah Sing-Along/Play-Along

On Saturday, December 16, 3PM, we will sing Part I of the Messiah. No experience needed! Come and lend your voice, or come and enjoy in this beautiful music. The evening will be led by soloists from the D.C./Baltimore Area, a string quartet, and Roderick Demmings, Jr. on the organ and harpsichord. Have little ones? Come and play along to the music using fun costumes and activities with Kat Green and the Children’s Ministry.

For more information, email David Merrill at

Church Family News

Thank You to Our Congregational Health Taskforce

During this season of Thanksgiving, we give thanks for the Congregational Health Task Force who diligently offered medical counsel during the many months of the COVID pandemic. This team helped establish safe practices for our church and did their best to protect the health and welfare of all congregation members. We are grateful for the following people's leadership and service: Jennifer Hayman, Denise Hill, Sarah Jamieson, Janna Kintzley, Karen Mack, Penny Moore, Melissa Schaull, and staff members Roxann Bartone, John McLaughlin, and Nancy Lincoln Reynolds.

Prayers for the Family of Jean Lafferty

It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Woods member, Jean Lafferty. Jean has been a member of Woods Church since 1962 and served as an Elder.

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held at Woods Church on Friday, December 8, 2PM.


Please keep Jean's family and friends in your prayers.

Prayers for the Family of Martha Hawkins

It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Woods member, Martha Hawkins. Martha has been a member of Woods Church since 1995.

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held in the spring in Woodlawn, Maryland.


Please keep Martha's family and friends in your prayers.

Congregational Prayer

Loving God, open the eyes of our hearts by the power of your Spirit, that we may know the hope and share the gospel to which we have been called in Jesus Christ. And may your peace guide all nations here on earth now and always.


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