Messenger | May 3, 2023

May 3, 2023

Messenger | May 3, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

Pastor’s Message

Commitment Sunday

Into the Words: Isabel Wilkerson

Senior Fellowship Dinner

Magician in the Kitchen: Honoring a Great Lady

Confirmation Sunday

VBS Registration is Open

Spots Open for WoodsWork

Mother's Day Special Workshop

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

During the past school year, a stalwart group of confirmation students and advisors have been meeting on a regular basis. There have been classes covering a wide variety of topics including scripture, Presbyterian history, creeds, social justice, and doctrine. The group of 18 students is now approaching the end of their study and will be welcomed as new members of Woods Church during our 11AM worship on Sunday, May 14.

Part of the confirmation process includes choosing a favorite bible verse and writing a Statement of Faith. Some of the bible passages mentioned by the students include the following:


Proverbs 11:14 | Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Philippians 4:13 | I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Joshua 1:9 | Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

When asked why they want to be confirmed into the Woods Church congregation, they mention how our church is a "safe space to share what we believe with others," and that being confirmed will help "understand the Church and strengthen her faith and her relationship with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit." One named that his hope for the future would be that "people can stop the violence and become closer with God instead." Another mentioned that her hope was "for people to help each other more and to be kind."

As you each know, the nurturing of our faith is a lifelong process. The ideas we hold about faith may start to take shape during Confirmation study, but they continue to grow and develop through the years. Please be in prayer for our Confirmation students and celebrate their achievement as they join our church May 14. And may we continue to learn with and learn from each other all the years ahead.

Peace in Christ,

Randy Bush

Church News

Commitment Sunday

This Sunday, it's time to act on the Stewardship invitation to "Come Home to Woods." Our Commitment Sunday is May 7. Members and friends of Woods are invited to submit a pledge card during our worship services to help our church leaders budget for the coming months and as a sign of support for the many Woods ministries that help translate the good news of Christ into living, faithful programs all year round. You also can mail in the pledge card you received earlier or fill out a pledge online by clicking the link below or visiting 

Make a Pledge

Joining our Stewardship Campaign now saves us having to make follow-up calls or send letters later. Help us reach our goal of 260 pledges so we can ensure Woods is a "faith home" for generations to come!

“Into the Words” Mini-Podcast

On this week's episode of Into the Words, Pastor Randy discusses author Isabel Wilkerson and her book, titled The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration. Click the button below to watch previous episodes.

View Playlist

Senior Spring Fellowship Dinner

Save the date for our Senior Spring Fellowship Dinner on Friday, May 5, 5:30–7:30PM. We invite all who are 70 and older (spouses welcome) to join us for our Homecoming Themed dinner. RSVP by calling the church office at 410.647.2550.

Magician in the Kitchen: Honoring a Great Lady

Carolyn Watkins has served as Woods Kitchen Coordinator for some 23 years! On Sunday, May 7, during our 9:30AM worship service and at a reception afterward, the congregation, WELCOME & Property Ministries and Woods Child Development Center (CDC) will pay tribute to her extraordinary gifts.

Defining Carolyn’s many gifts to Woods is no small task, but a few of us have spent some time in the kitchen asking questions and jotting down her "secrets"—how does she put together a brunch for 100, or a congregation-wide Kick Off Sunday Picnic? How about the menu for a new members' dinner? And most important, how does she make our congregational favorite, CHICKEN SALAD? Answers to these and other questions will be found in All Prayed Up, a conversation about her own delicious creations, as well as a compendium of "recipes" passed orally from her mother to Carolyn and now to all of us.

We are collecting a Love Offering in recognition of Carolyn’s service and culinary gifts to all of us. All contributors to the Love Offering will receive a copy of All Prayed Up.

Register Online

The love, energy, and planning that made Woods one of the most connected of churches is largely due to the receptions, dinners, lectures, and REHAB meals that Carolyn has overseen. A talented, modest lady of deep faith, Carolyn has been the center of our fellowship gatherings, serving delicious food and words of wisdom for almost a quarter of a century. (Had it not been for Covid, we would have honored Carolyn’s work a bit earlier.) Carolyn plans to retire in December—although to our knowledge, her letter of request has not yet been accepted.

Plan to join us for a love fest (feast) on Sunday, May 7, as we pay tribute to a hidden figure, a lady who has devoted much of her life to nourishing her babies in CDC, and the Woods congregation. She has deeply touched many of us with her kindness, generosity of spirit, remarkable talent, and love—for much of her life and ours.

Confirmation Sunday

Over the past year, a class of 18 students has worked diligently with their advisors (Sarah Thompson, Charity Matta, Chris Dearing, Josh Thompson, and Nicole & Jeff Jeffers) and teachers (Elizabeth Cahoon, Randy Bush, and Kat Green) to complete the Confirmation process. They will be going on a final retreat this weekend and will be received as new members of Woods Church on Sunday, May 14, during our 11AM service. Congratulate these young people when you see them and celebrate their accomplishment in two weeks!

Senior Recognition

Woods Church is proud of all the high school and college graduates in our congregation. Please send the names of graduates and, as appropriate, the names of colleges they'll be attending (or attended) to Leslie Dowtin, our administrative assistant for Youth Ministry at We will need this information by Monday, May 15, to include it in our Senior Recognition service on Sunday, May 21.

Ministry Announcements

VBS Registration is Open

BEE sure to register for VBS online at VBS is for children age 3–rising 6th graders and will run daily, June 26–29, 4–7PM! The cost includes dinner, and parents are welcome. Scholarships are available. Please contact a pastor or Kat Green for details.

Register for VBS

The whole church is invited to be part of a welcoming community of faith! Volunteers are needed to decorate, set up each day, be a “Plus One” for a classroom, classroom teachers, music leaders, story helpers, dinner orderers, musicians, game leaders, nursery caregivers, and art leaders. The curriculum is based on the BEE-atitudes, and asks, "How does Jesus teach us to BEE in the world?" Let us be called children of God.

Nursery care is available for volunteers' younger children.

Spots Open for WoodsWork

There is still space available for youth to sign up for WoodsWork, a Youth Ministry Mission Trip supporting Habitat for Humanity. We will travel to Hartsville, South Carolina, June 22–30, to build two homes for deserving families, and to complete other needed construction projects.


No construction skills are needed. The trip is available to youth who are entering 9th grade through graduated seniors.

Registration is open until Friday, May 12. Register at

Upcoming Events

Mother's Day Special Workshop

The Flower Ministry is offering a Mother's Day Special Workshop for members and friends of Woods Church on Friday, May 12, 5:30–8PM, in the Founders Room. The workshop will begin with a demonstration and discussion, followed by a DIY project.

All materials will be provided, but participants will need to bring a floral cutter with them. The cost is $20. Space is limited to 30 participants.

Register online or through the church office by emailing Pam Ward at

Register Online

Spring Concert: Many Gifts, One Spirit

Join us for our end-of-the-year Spring Concert, Many Gifts, One Spirt, on Friday, June 9, 7PM! This concert will include the Adult Choir, Praise Team, SEEK Band, Children’s Choir, Dancers, and Soloists from past musical productions and concerts.

This concert is FREE with a love donation. For more information please reach out to David Merrill at

In Our Community

Coed Softball

The Greater Severna Park Coed Church Softball League is once again entering their spring season. Congratulations, because you already made the team! No experience required! Qualifications include: you must bring a smile, and be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. No full-time commitment is necessary; come for however many games you’d like!

Our game this Sunday, May 7, will be against St. Andrew's at Cypress #2, 2PM.


If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at 443.867.8803 or If you are thinking… "The GSPCCSL sounds very legit... am I good enough to participate?" then you are asking the wrong question... The correct question is... "Why would anyone pass up a chance to play coed church softball?" And yes, we accept everyone!

Church Family News

Not One,  but Two Successful Escapes

Our Senior High Youth Group recently stopped by a local Escape Room for a time of fun. Working together, they successfully escaped two challenging rooms. Job well done to all!

Congregational Prayer

God of mercy, as an Easter people, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead. He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


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