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This week's release at a glance:
Pastor’s Message
Stewardship Campaign
Into the Words: Carlo Rovelli
Support the Pentecost Offering
VBS Registration is Open
Spring Concert
Congrats, Confirmands
Welcome Our New Members
It seems odd that one of the four main special days of the church is always on a Thursday! The Ascension of the Lord comes 40 days after Easter and thus is always on a Thursday, usually about a week or so before Pentecost. We will talk more about this holiday on Sunday, but let's take a moment mid-week to consider why Ascension still matters.
Luke describes the ascension of Jesus in one short verse: "As they were watching, he was lifted up and a cloud took him out of their sight" (Acts 1:9). In many ways, this act of ascension is meant to be more functional and theological than miraculous. Up until this moment, the risen Christ had been making periodic resurrection appearances to the disciples. But eventually these appearances stopped, and the Ascension is the closing page in the post-Easter chapter of faith. Think of it as the exclamation point rounding off the phrase "He is risen indeed!"
Theologically, the Ascension reminds us that Christ is truly alive and, though reunited with God, he remains engaged in the life of all creation. The language of the "God of heaven and earth" now feels more fitting in that heaven permanently holds this earthly Savior and risen Lord. No longer is there a divide between the realms above the earth and the realms upon the earth; in Christ's victory on Easter, the two have been fully united in one plan of healing and salvation.
Following Ascension came the Day of Pentecost and the creation of the church, Christ's "body" active on earth. So it is right for us to pause long enough to ponder the glories of heaven and remember the one who walked along the shoreline of Galilee and stepped out from a borrowed tomb. But God is not served by us standing in one spot peering up at the clouds. It is in our lives today, moving about, caring for others, praying, trusting, longing for a better world, that we best honor and serve the risen and ascended Lord. So Happy Ascension Thursday! May it transform every day of the week from now on.
Yours in Christ,
Randy Bush
We continue to get good news and a strong response to our current Stewardship Campaign. To date, we have received over 195 pledges (including 31 new pledges) and have topped the $1 Million threshold in pledged giving. Reminder emails are going out this week and we are still looking to receive another 50 commitments from members and friends.
Click on the link below to fill out a pledge form online or let Ada Sell know if you need one mailed to you. Thank you so very much!
On this week's episode of Into the Words, Pastor Randy discusses Carlo Rovelli's
The Order of Time. Click the button below to watch previous episodes.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of our Jesus Christ Superstar production for winning 1st Runner Up (3rd Place), at the prestigious Ruby Griffith Awards. In 2019, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat won 3rd Runner Up (5th Place).
The Ruby Griffith Awards are designed to elevate the quality of local amateur theatre and reward excellence and outstanding achievement. Around 20 theaters throughout the Washington, D.C., area enter each year. Click the button to read more about the Ruby Griffiths.
Thank you Woods Church for your support of all the music here at Woods!
There will be a Service of Wholeness on
Wednesday, May 17, 6:45PM in the Sanctuary. This is a deeply spiritual service of prayer, laying on of hands and anointing by the pastors and elders for those experiencing emotional or physical concerns. If you would like to attend, please contact Maureen Adams at
410.647.2550 or
Woods Church is proud of all the high school and college graduates in our congregation. Please send the names of graduates and, as appropriate, the names of colleges they'll be attending (or attended) to Leslie Dowtin, our administrative assistant for Youth Ministry at We will need this information by
Thursday, May 18, to include it in our Senior Recognition service on Sunday, May 21.
The Pentecost Offering connects us with children, youth, and young adults—each with gifts to share—and offers them opportunities to build a solid foundation of faith to last a lifetime.
This is one of the four PC(USA) Special Offerings supported by Woods Church.
Click the button below to contribute online. Checks can be made out to Woods Church with "Pentecost" in the memo line. Thank you for supporting this important initiative.
BEE sure to register for VBS online at VBS is for children age 3–rising 6th graders and will run daily, June 26–29, 4–7PM! The cost includes dinner, and parents are welcome. Scholarships are available. Please contact a pastor or Kat Green for details.
The whole church is invited to be part of a welcoming community of faith! Volunteers are needed to decorate, set up each day, be a “Plus One” for a classroom, classroom teachers, music leaders, story helpers, dinner orderers, musicians, game leaders, nursery caregivers, and art leaders. The curriculum is based on the BEE-atitudes, and asks, "How does Jesus teach us to BEE in the world?" Let us be called children of God.
Nursery care is available for volunteers' younger children.
Join us for our end-of-the-year Spring Concert, Many Gifts, One Spirt, on Friday, June 9, 7PM! This concert will include the Adult Choir, Praise Team, SEEK Band, Children’s Choir, Dancers, and Soloists from past musical productions and concerts.
This concert is FREE with a love donation. For more information please reach out to David Merrill at
The Greater Severna Park Coed Church Softball League spring season is in full swing! Our next game will be on Sunday, May 21, 2PM, against St. John's at Cypress #1.
No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. Play as your schedule permits
If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at
443.867.8803 or
Have you seen the Netflix documentary on the addictive qualities of social media, The Social Dilemma? Did it scare you? Then you will want to read on...
Join our mission partner Parenting for a Different World on Monday, May 22, 7–8:30PM, at Woods for a free screening of LIKE, the documentary on the impact of social media and smartphones on our lives.
LIKE breaks down why we find social media so irresistible, examines who is controlling whom, and gives you the tools to pivot to a more balanced and contented relationship. It features silicon valley entrepreneurs including the co-creator of the actual like button, experts in brain science, and regular teenagers.
After viewing this 49-minute movie, we will have a Q&A and discussion opportunity with our panel of youth mental health and social media experts. This event will help you re-set your relationship with smartphones and social media.
This event is appropriate for all parents/caregivers and youth age ten and above. Registration is free but required.
Congratulations to the 18 new members of Woods Church who were our 2023 Confirmation Class.
This Sunday, we are blessed to welcome another 9 new members who were part of our recent New Member class. They include Tori Benenati, Steve Brewton, Kyle & Rongli DeVault, Katie Kuhn, Donald & Erin Roberts, and Norma Villanueva.
Our next new member class will be held on Sunday, July 9.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Flower Arranging Workshop last Friday! And a special thank you to Jenny Henry, Sue Hannahs, & Sally Sachse.
Look for another opportunity to work with Flowers & Greenery next Fall.
There will be a service of Witness to the Resurrection for Jo Ellen Brewton on Saturday, May 20, 11AM, in the sanctuary. Internment will be private. Please keep her husband, Steve Brewton, and all of her family and friends in your prayers.
God of mercy, as an Easter people, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead. He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
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