Messenger | May 10, 2023

May 10, 2023

Messenger | May 10, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

Pastor’s Message

Into the Words: Mark Twain

Stewardship Campaign

Confirmation Sunday

VBS Registration is Open

Last Week to Register for WoodsWork

Mother's Day Flower Workshop

Spring Concert

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

Have you ever seen a Word Cloud? Word Clouds are graphic representations of how frequently particular words appear in a document, with the most common words appearing largest and in the center. I went to our website and copied our church's mission statement into a Word Cloud generator and several key words popped up—mission, discipleship, transformation—with the phrase "God's people" written large and in the center.

What would your Word Cloud look like if you wrote a short essay about motherhood? What would be the prominent word or words in the center and what adjectives would circle around it? Mother's Day is next Sunday, and while it is not an official church holiday, it has historically been something acknowledged in Sunday worship.

Mother's Day evokes memories of our own mothers—those who bore us, raised us, and cared for us. Some of our mothers are still with us; others have died or become absent for other reasons. Sometimes we have benefited from having several "mothers"—aunts, grandmothers, teachers, adult friends, single dads; and sometimes these mothers were necessary when our biological mothers were difficult, overwhelmed, or simply not available. For some women, Mother's Day is difficult in that their life trajectory hasn't included children, even though they were open to motherhood. For others, it is a hard day when they've intentionally chosen other roles in life, yet the world often assumes their identity should be shaped by bearing children.

If you read the Bible carefully, a wide range of definitions of "motherhood" can be seen. Hard topics like widowhood, barrenness, divorce, and loss are named, as are words of joy, expectancy, pregnancy, and loving-kindness. Our faith is not deterred by complexity. The God who is the Creator of all relationships (human, earthly, and cosmic) has been called our heavenly Mother, the giver and sustainer of life. May your Word Clouds for faith and Mother's Day find a lot of commonality in the week ahead!

Yours in Christ,

Randy Bush

Church News

Stewardship Campaign

Thank you for the many responses we received on Commitment Sunday. We are well on our way to reaching our goals in the number of pledges received and the amount of income pledged for the coming fiscal year. We have over 170 pledges in hand (including 25 new pledges) and hope to receive another 75–80 commitments this month. Click on the link below or drop off your pledge card at your earliest convenience. Your faithful generosity means so much!

Make a Pledge

“Into the Words” Mini-Podcast

On this week's episode of Into the Words, Pastor Randy discusses Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Click the button below to watch previous episodes.

View Playlist

Thank You from Carolyn

Dear Pastors, Congregation, Friends of Woods and My Family,

Oh Lord! I was so overwhelmed by your love! I didn't know that people cared so much. I am grateful and I thank each and everyone who came out to enjoy my day, Sunday, May 7. I deeply appreciate your words and your blessings.


Carolyn Watkins

Confirmation Sunday

Over the past year, a class of 18 students has worked diligently with their advisors (Sarah Thompson, Charity Matta, Chris Dearing, Josh Thompson, and Nicole & Jeff Jeffers) and teachers (Elizabeth Cahoon, Randy Bush, and Kat Green) to complete the Confirmation process. They went on a retreat at West River Camp last weekend and will be received as new members of Woods Church on Sunday, May 14, during our 11AM service. Congratulate these young people when you see them and celebrate their accomplishment!

Senior Recognition

Woods Church is proud of all the high school and college graduates in our congregation. Please send the names of graduates and, as appropriate, the names of colleges they'll be attending (or attended) to Leslie Dowtin, our administrative assistant for Youth Ministry at We will need this information by Monday, May 15, to include it in our Senior Recognition service on Sunday, May 21.

Wholeness Service

There will be a Service of Wholeness on Wednesday, May 17, 6:45PM in the Sanctuary. This is a deeply spiritual service of prayer, laying on of hands and anointing by the pastors and elders for those experiencing emotional or physical concerns. If you would like to attend, please contact Maureen Adams at 410.647.2550 or

Ministry Announcements

VBS Registration is Open

BEE sure to register for VBS online at VBS is for children age 3–rising 6th graders and will run daily, June 26–29, 4–7PM! The cost includes dinner, and parents are welcome. Scholarships are available. Please contact a pastor or Kat Green for details.

Register for VBS

The whole church is invited to be part of a welcoming community of faith! Volunteers are needed to decorate, set up each day, be a “Plus One” for a classroom, classroom teachers, music leaders, story helpers, dinner orderers, musicians, game leaders, nursery caregivers, and art leaders. The curriculum is based on the BEE-atitudes, and asks, "How does Jesus teach us to BEE in the world?" Let us be called children of God.

Nursery care is available for volunteers' younger children.

Last Week to Register for WoodsWork

There is still space available for youth to sign up for WoodsWork, a Youth Ministry Mission Trip supporting Habitat for Humanity. We will travel to Hartsville, South Carolina, June 22–30, to build two homes for deserving families, and to complete other needed construction projects.


No construction skills are needed. The trip is available to youth who are entering 9th grade through graduated seniors.

Registration is open until Friday, May 12. Register at

Upcoming Events

Mother's Day Special Workshop

The Flower Ministry is offering a Mother's Day Special Workshop for members and friends of Woods Church on Friday, May 12, 5:30–8PM, in the Founders Room. The workshop will begin with a demonstration and discussion, followed by a DIY project.

All materials will be provided, but participants will need to bring a floral cutter with them. The cost is $20. Space is limited to 30 participants.

Register online or through the church office by emailing Pam Ward at

Register Online

Spring Concert: Many Gifts, One Spirit

Join us for our end-of-the-year Spring Concert, Many Gifts, One Spirt, on Friday, June 9, 7PM! This concert will include the Adult Choir, Praise Team, SEEK Band, Children’s Choir, Dancers, and Soloists from past musical productions and concerts.

This concert is FREE with a love donation. For more information please reach out to David Merrill at

In Our Community

Screening of LIKE

Have you seen the Netflix documentary on the addictive qualities of social media, The Social Dilemma? Did it scare you? Then you will want to read on...

Join us on Tuesday, May 16, or Monday, May 22, 7–8:30PM, at Woods for a free screening of LIKE, the documentary on the impact of social media and smartphones on our lives. LIKE breaks down why we find social media so irresistible, examines who is controlling whom, and gives you the tools to pivot to a more balanced and contented relationship. It features silicon valley entrepreneurs including the co-creator of the actual like button, experts in brain science, and regular teenagers.

After viewing this 49-minute movie, we will have a Q&A and discussion opportunity with our panel of youth mental health and social media experts. This event will help you re-set your relationship with smartphones and social media.

This event is appropriate for all parents/caregivers and youth age ten and above. Registration is free but required.

Coed Softball

The Greater Severna Park Coed Church Softball League is once again entering their spring season. Congratulations, because you already made the team! No experience required! Qualifications include: you must bring a smile, and be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. No full-time commitment is necessary; come for however many games you’d like!

Our game this Sunday, May 7, will be against St. Andrew's at Cypress #2, 2PM.


If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at 443.867.8803 or If you are thinking… "The GSPCCSL sounds very legit... am I good enough to participate?" then you are asking the wrong question... The correct question is... "Why would anyone pass up a chance to play coed church softball?" And yes, we accept everyone!

Reception for Mission Co-Worker

You're invited to a dessert "Meet and Greet" for PC(USA) Mission co-worker Betsey Moe and her husband. It will be hosted at Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church (8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy, Odenton) on Wednesday, June 14, 6PM. It will include a presentation by Betsey to thank all the Bay Area Presbyterian supporters of her mission work. She is the PCUSA Mission co-worker in Guatemala and our liaison with CEDEPCA.

Also, thank you Woods Church for the generous donation of yarn collected for the Guatemala Church, which was received in March for their prayer shawl ministry.

Congregational Prayer

God of mercy, as an Easter people, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead. He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


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