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This week's release at a glance:
This Sunday is designated by the PC(USA) as “Self-Development of People Sunday.” SDOP is a ministry of our denomination that affirms God’s concern for humankind. As such, the ministry reaches beyond all boundaries and borders to address issues of oppression and poverty and injustice. Working with ecumenical partners across the globe, SDOP unites with others in faith and action to challenge structures that perpetuate these things.
As you walk into the sanctuary this Sunday, you will see that we are “under construction” as we prepare for the presentation of the Broadway musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. This portrayal of the life of Jesus serves as a prelude to Holy Week and culminates in the Resurrection on Easter. It is a journey you won’t want to miss!
Woods is always in the business of construction when it comes to developing people…creatively and compassionately supporting individuals and families by offering a sense of belonging in the community and encouraging life-giving faith in Jesus Christ. Join us on this journey as we build life together. Let us minister and worship together!
Pastor Nancy
Check out our new “Into the Words” mini-podcast. In this coming Monday's episode, Pastor Randy discusses Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.
If you have yet to take the online Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) survey, there's still time. The deadline to complete the survey is midnight on Sunday, March 12.
Your input will help provide important information as the church leadership names priorities for the coming months and qualities we hope to find in any called pastors.
Take the survey by clicking the button below. Thank you for helping shape our church's future!
The Deacons at Woods are bringing back our St. Patrick’s Day dinner! This event will take place on St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, 5:30–7:30PM at the Severna Park Community Center! Dinner and Entertainment included! Keep an eye out for more information.
Woods St. Patrick's Day Dinner is back! Join us at the Severna Park Community Center in the gymnasium on Friday, March 17, 5:30PM, for Irish food, music, and fun! The Crawford Family Celtic Dancers, Irish music and leprechauns will entertain us!
Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for children (12 and under), $60 max/family. Register online by Sunday, March 12
We will be offering communion to those who are homebound on Sunday, March 26. If you would like to receive the elements of Communion to participate virtually from home, please contact Maureen Adams by calling the church office at 410.647.2550 or by emailing
Read and consider ways of intentionally focusing on your faith at home. Whether it is a special place for prayer and play, or an activity to engage with the holy you will find various ways of being with God and each other in our Lent Devotion Booklet. Several children of Woods Church are featured on the pages. We pray you will find several new ways of listening for God’s directions through the season of Lent.
Click the button below to download a copy, or pick up a printed copy at the church.
A special Lent brochure is now available, which provides information about upcoming Holy Week and Easter services, special church events, and other news from the ministries of Woods Church. Check it out!
Every year, we decorate Woods' sanctuary with lovely lilies at Easter. The flowers are donated by members and friends to remember special people in their lives. If you would like to give a lily in memory or in honor of a loved one, the suggested donation is $25. Dedications will be accepted online through March 29, and in Fellowship Hall on Sundays, March 12, 19, and 26. Plants may be picked up after the 11AM Easter services.
Lilies are beautiful and a wonderful way to adorn your house during the Easter season, but they can be very poisonous for cats and dogs, so please take care that your furry friends don’t get their paws on them!
On Sunday, April 9, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ by opening our church doors wide for members and visitors alike! To do that, we need lots of additional greeters to welcome people prior to the multiple services at 9:30 & 11AM. We also could use some people who are willing to assist at the Hospitality tent, as well as serving as parking lot attendants.
If you can assist with any of these roles, please contact Nancy Nolan (greeters, hospitality) at, or John McLaughlin (parking helpers) at
If you could provide relief to a young mother who lost her home because of an earthquake, would you do it? If you could provide food for a child whose father had lost his job, would you help out? If you could help someone in need to be able to succeed, would you step in?
If so, there's a wonderful opportunity for you on Sunday, March 19, when Woods Church will be receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.
During Lent, we celebrate that God connects with us through Jesus' resurrection, and connects us with "those who have the least." One Great Hour of Sharing is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together to work for a better world.
Each gift helps improve the lives of the suffering and the vulnerable through three life-saving programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), providing relief form natural disasters; Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), providing food for the hungry; and Self-Development of People (SDOP), providing support for the poor and oppressed.
On Sunday, March 19, One Great Hour of Sharing envelopes will be placed in the Sunday bulletin and on the welcome desk. Your envelope can be placed in the offering plate. Gifts also can be made online by clicking the button below. Please give generously. If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot!
Now that Lent has begun, please stop by the Library to select a book to enhance your spiritual life. The library has several books about the last weeks of Jesus's life by Adam Hamilton such as 24 Hours that Changed the World, Final Words from the Cross, The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, and 40 Days of Reflection. Maybe you would like Wonderous Encounters: Scriptures for Lent, Simon Peter, or Easter from the Back Side.
There is a display on one side of the library cart of adult books and on the other side, books for children. Some are on display throughout the library.
Come see what we have!
Winter Relief is coming Monday, March 13, through Monday, March 20. Sign-ups will start this Sunday, February 12. You will be able to sign up to help after each Service or online in Signup Genius. There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations.
Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at
410.353.1491 or
The Winter Relief Shelter at Woods is in need of various supplies. Please donate NEW travel size toiletries: deodorant, soap, shampoo, and brushes/combs (conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes are not needed this year). The shelter is also in need of men’s and women’s underwear and T-Shirts of various sizes and socks, both dark and white. The items can be dropped off at the church office marked "Scott Wiley/Winter Relief."
From March 22–29, 2023, Iglesia Presbiteriana de Sancti Spiritus and Woods Church will have their first visit since January 2020. We will spend a week participating in all activities in the daily life of this active congregation: visits to shut-ins, worship services at the church, and—at two mission locations—assistance in the food project for the elderly and with the water project, as well as meeting with the Session of Sancti Spiritus Church.
The members of Woods Church have supported this partnership with their donations to the Season of Giving in December, and we are currently using those funds to fill the requests of Sancti Spiritus. Those representing Woods Church are Lee Laque, Renee Mackey, and Mark and Marty Clayton. Renee is a retired pastor, and she will be preaching on Sunday, March 26.
Please pray for safe travel, no COVID interruptions and a time of Christian love and blessing for this partnership.
Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church presents Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice's rock opera tracing the last seven days of the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of contemporary, modern storytellers. Come and experience legendary hit music and dynamic choreography as performed by local musical theater talents. The production includes flashing lights and loud noises, and may not be suitable for young children. Tickets are $15, doors open at 7PM.
Performance Schedule
Friday, March 24 | 7:30–10PM
Saturday, March 25 | 7:30–10PM
Sunday, March 26 | 7:30–10PM
Friday, March 31 | 7:30–10PM
Saturday, April 1 | 7:30–10PM
Sunday, April 2 | 7:30–10PM
For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit
Click here to learn more about how Woods will be presenting the show.
If you are a caregiver to a family member or friend, this group provides an opportunity to share experiences with those in similar situations. Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month during 2023, 1–2:30PM, in the large group room of the Woods Counseling & Care Center (8 Cypress Creek Road).
Meetings will be facilitated by Teri Hocking and Jean Clarke, both long-time educators and facilitators of groups for youth and adults. To register, email Nancy Sullivan at
This is a seven-week seminar for those interested in nourishing their spirituality and addressing what really matters in life. We meet on Thursdays through April 6, 4–5:30PM, at the Woods Counseling & Care Center. The seminar also will be offered on Zoom, date and time TBD.
Discussion will center on the book,
7 Lessons for the Living from the Dying, by hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt. To register, contact Bill Hocking at or Nancy Sullivan at
Last weekend, our High School youth enjoyed a weekend on the slopes at Ski Sawmill Family Resort in Morris, Pennsylvania. Click the button below to see some photos and videos from their trip!
We give thanks for new life. Congratulations to new grandparents, Don Counts and Valerie Wesner, on the birth of their granddaughter, Mariella Joan Wescount, parents are Adam and Hilary Wescount.
It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Woods member, Mary Barclay. Mary has been a member of Woods Church since 1973. A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be announced in a future email. Please keep Mary's husband, Charles, and all of their family and friends in your prayers.
As a reminder, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12. Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour. We'll see you at worship!
We boldly address you, O Creator of heaven and earth. But we come into your presence mindful of all the disasters we call “natural” and the inhumane destruction caused by war and terror and brutality. Lord have mercy.
We boldly address you, Jesus the Lord of our life. But we come into your presence having divided the world into good and bad, friend and foe, us and them. Christ have mercy.
We boldly address you, Living and Holy Spirit. Be we come into your presence at times feeling lost, disregarded, ignored and unappreciated. Lord have mercy.
During this season of Lent, draw us close again to you. For you are our home, our maker, our lover, our deepest hope… and we are Yours! Amen.
From Walter Brueggemann, “Prayers for Justice.”
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