Messenger | March 29, 2023

March 29, 2023

Messenger | March 29, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Holy Week Worship Schedule
  • "Into the Words" Mini-Podcast
  • Reminder: Apportionment is Due
  • Jesus Christ Superstar
  • VBS Registration is Open
  • New Life Purpose Course
  • Request for Prayers for Palm Sunday

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

Last week I noted that we would be hearing a summary about the data collected in the recent Congregational Survey. We will be forwarding an executive summary of the report in next week's Messenger and sharing about the findings as part of our April 16th Congregational Meeting; however here are a few "sneak previews" of the good news we received.

First, thank you again for taking time to fill out the survey. The number of responses was far better than expected. Second, we received about 2/3rds of our responses from long-term members of Woods (20+ years), with the remaining third split between mid-term members (10–20 years) and short-term members (1–10 years). In the coming months, we will be targeting the latter two groups for follow-up conversations to make sure we are hearing their voices and thoughtfully considering their opinions.

This survey tries to gauge "levels of energy" and "levels of satisfaction" of congregation members. Sometimes people are happy with their church, but have no energy to change anything. Other times people have lots of energy for change, but are too chaotic in their programs and lack satisfaction in how things are going. Woods fell in the quadrant where there is both high energy and high satisfaction, which is right where we want to be if our goal is healthy, sustainable growth. Having said that, to stay in that quadrant means we need to take intentional action toward better using the gifts, passions, and energy of new and long-term members alike.

The survey responses highlighted three areas in which intentional focus and energy should be directed:

  1. Have a strategy to reach new people and incorporate them into Woods.
  2. Intentionally work on attracting families with children and youth to Woods.
  3. Create opportunities for people to form meaningful relationships through activities and small groups at Woods.

The Session will be discussing the survey results and we will be offering in-person and Zoom gatherings to talk more about how to address these stated goals of evangelism, family ministry, and building faithful connections. Share your ideas with our elders and deacons. In the end, we have a solid foundation of energy, satisfaction, creativity and talent here at Woods—and by grace and prayerful intentionality, I believe we are well-positioned for our next chapter as a church.

Blessings in Christ,

Randy Bush

Church News

“Into the Words” Mini-Podcast

Check out our “Into the Words” mini-podcast. In the most recent episode, Pastor Randy discusses Gilead by author Marilynne Robinson.

Reminder: Apportionment is Due

Woods Church is part of Baltimore Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination. The way our congregation supports the ministries of the wider church is through paying our annual per capita apportionment. For everyone listed as a member of Woods at the end of 2021, we are asked to contribute $40. These funds go to the General Assembly ($9.85), Synod ($1.15), and Presbytery ($29) branches of our denomination.

In order to maintain a balanced budget, we are asking each member and/or family (with confirmed youth and adults) to contribute the cost of the $40 apportionment.

On behalf of the staff and leadership of Woods Church, we thank you for your generosity and continued support.

Make a Contribution

Jesus Christ Superstar

Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church presents Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice's rock opera tracing the last seven days of the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of contemporary, modern storytellers. Come and experience legendary hit music and dynamic choreography as performed by local musical theater talents. The production includes flashing lights and loud noises, and may not be suitable for young children. Tickets are $15, doors open at 7PM.

Performance Schedule

Friday, March 31 | 7:30–10PM

Saturday, April 1 | 7:30–10PM

Sunday, April 2 | 7:30–10PM

For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit Click here to learn more about how Woods will be presenting the show.

Buy Tickets

Joy & Laughter Sunday

We are excited to celebrate Joy & Laughter Sunday on April 16! Join us to continue the celebration of Easter. Send your jokes to

New Members Class

Our next New Members Class will be held on Sunday, April 30, 11AM. If you have any family, friends, or neighbors who you'd like to invite, please contact Pastor Nancy at

Ministry Announcements

Lent Devotion Booklet

Read and consider ways of intentionally focusing on your faith at home. Whether it is a special place for prayer and play, or an activity to engage with the holy you will find various ways of being with God and each other in our Lent Devotion Booklet. Several children of Woods Church are featured on the pages. We pray you will find several new ways of listening for God’s directions through the season of Lent.

Click the button below to download a copy, or pick up a printed copy at the church.

Download Devotion Booklet

Kat's Corner

There are so many ways to join us for faith-full fun at Woods Church! Every week, we are excited to see children at Jammies & Jesus or in Sunday School. Last week, the elementary age children sat together in worship! We were 21 strong.

This coming Sunday is the Donkey Procession, as we celebrate Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Gather with the Donkey at 9:15AM or 10:45AM at Sunrise Senior Living. Then, Sunday School will be part of the story of shouting rocks, Jesus' example of being a servant, the gift of the Last Supper, and getting ready for EASTER! Have you checked in on our chicks? They are still egg-citing even though they are still eggs. Sometime around Easter, we should see some peeps from our chicks.

   Do you remember that we buried the Alleluias on the first Sunday of Lent? That marked the beginning of a 46-day journey towards Easter! On Easter morning, we will bring back the Alleluias. All of the Woods Children are invited to be part of the storytelling at 9:30AM & 11AM on Easter Sunday in Boone Station, a small white building on our campus. What will we do? We will tell the Easter Story!

NOTE: Practice is on Saturday, April 8, 10AM, followed by an Easter Egg hunt for our participating families. Please bring 6 eggs or so filled with stickers, non-peanut/nut candy, or other small trinket.

VBS Registration is Open

BEE sure to register for VBS online at VBS will run daily, June 26–29, 4–7PM! The cost includes dinner, and parents are welcome. Financial assistance is available. Please contact a pastor or Kat Green for details.

After you register, tell your friends! VBS is an important way that Woods can fulfill its mission to be a "voice of faith transforming lives and society through Jesus Christ." We hope to be radically hospitable to our congregation, our childcare families, and to the greater community. The more volunteers we have, the more children we can welcome!

Register for VBS

Greeters Needed

We are looking for greeters to help welcome worshipers to our Holy Week and Easter services. Volunteers are needed on:

Maundy Thursday | 7:30PM

Good Friday | 7:30PM

Easter Sunday | 9:30AM & 11AM (multiple locations)

We also could use some people who are willing to assist at the Hospitality tent, as well as directing traffic as parking lot attendants.

If you can assist with any of these roles, please contact Nancy Nolan (greeters, hospitality) at, or John McLaughlin (parking helpers) at

Upcoming Events

Life Purpose Course

There are times in our lives when everything changes. It might be a transition from work to retirement, kids leaving the nest, loss of a loved one, or change in employment. At Woods Counseling & Care Center (WCCC), we have developed a small group-facilitated program to look at these transitions, called the Life Purpose Course. The program consists of four modules:

  1. Our values
  2. How others see us. Our gifts & passions
  3. Spirituality
  4. Interests (Interest Inventory)

We weave these segments together to provide insights into possible next steps. Rev. Randy Bush will lead the discussion on spirituality. Bill Daniel will lead the other three segments. And a final session (5th meeting) will help tie all of this reflection together.

Dates are: April 10 and 24, as well as May 1, 8, and 15. The program will be held in the large meeting room at WCCC, 4–6 pm. Cost is $50 (for survey materials) and scholarships are available.

For more information, contact Bill Daniel at or Nancy Sullivan at

Request for Prayers for Palm Sunday

We are all children of God and are therefore affected by the loss and devastation that impacts others. Some of these touch us individually as each tragedy may imprint uniquely on a person because of individual background, personal trauma, or exposure.

We want to include situations or individuals that are uniquely on your hearts for any reason. Please contact Pastor Nancy at to name such a person or event so that we may include it in our congregational prayers this Sunday.

Congregational Prayer

God of mercy, as an Easter people, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead. He is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ, and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


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