Messenger | March 20, 2024

March 20, 2024

Messenger | March 20, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Completing Our Lenten Journey
  • Joy & Laughter Sunday
  • Stephen Ministry Training
  • One Great Hour of Sharing
  • Mission Trip with Habitat for Humanity
  • VBS Registration is Open
  • The Secret Garden Earns Rave Review
  • We're Looking for a Coordinator of Finance

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

I read about a business executive who has a Post-It note on his work computer that says "You rest - you rust." On one level, in today's over-scheduled world, people need to take time to rest, to step off the frantic treadmill of life and take it easy once in a while. However, for this executive, the note was a reminder that when he felt tired of challenging convention or inclined to simply do things the way they've always been done, there was lasting value in seeking out the "road less traveled". As he put it, "the challenge of change is always worth it."

Lots of studies have shown that one key to longevity is to have a purpose for your days, to have a reason why you wake up each morning and a task you wish to accomplish in the day ahead. It literally keeps people young - mentally active and physically healthier. 

As people of faith, the purposes we set for our days hopefully involve things that make the world better. In this day and age, we've come to realize that it is perilous to sit back and let the world turn according to old ways of doing things. If we "rest" on old habits on how to treat the environment, how to organize health care, or how to haphazardly provide child care and elder care, we run the risk not only of "rusting" as a society but literally falling apart at the seams. 

Maya Angelou has these words of inspiration: History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. We are not destined to be people of inertia, rust and cynicism. We are people of hope, thanks to the vision God places within us for a better tomorrow for all creation. 

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Jesus could have avoided the whole donkey procession into Jerusalem. He could have invited his disciples to take it easy for a while and rest on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. But he chose a different path - a path that upset the old ways of doing things, that risked it all for the sake of all, and ultimately led to an Easter victory that changed the world. 

As our time together is drawing to a close, I rejoice in the moments we've shared together - I celebrate how this congregation actively seeks to do good work now to prepare for the ministry yet to come - and I am so grateful for the ways you are "voices of faith transforming lives and society through Jesus Christ" (Woods Vision Statement). 

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

Completing Our Lenten Journey

Join us during Holy Week as we complete our Lenten journey together. And worship with us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the good news of Jesus’ Resurrection.

Maundy Thursday, March 28 | 7:30PM

Join us "in the Garden" in the sanctuary. The three disciples who accompanied Jesus (Peter, James, and John) will be present and will offer their explanations of what occurred. There were many questions following Jesus' arrest that night...questions that continue to this day. Please submit any of your own questions so that the disciples may address them.

Good Friday, March 29 | 7:30PM

This meditative service moves into darkness as we remember the final hours of Jesus's life as they were spent on a wooden cross. Pastor Randy will speak about the enduring symbol of Christ's cross, and special music will be interspersed with readings of Jesus' seven last words.

Easter Sunrise, March 31 | 6:30AM

Holy Grounds Amphitheater

Easter Sunday Services | March 31

  • 8AM Traditional Service
  • 9:30AM Traditional Service
  • 9:30AM Interactive Family Service
  • 11AM Contemporary Service

For more information, click the button below to view our Lent brochure.

Greeters Needed for Easter

We’re in need of people who are willing to volunteer as greeters on Good Friday and Easter Sunday to warmly welcome our Woods church members, their families, and visitors that may be seeking a church home. Opportunities are listed below:

  • 7:30PM Good Friday Service, 2 greeters
  • 11AM Contemporary Service, 3 greeters

Email Nancy Nolan at, call 410.544.8378, or text 443.822.4081 for details.

Joy & Laughter Sunday

It is a Woods Church tradition to celebrate the first Sunday after Easter with a special service that includes moments of levity, jokes, and good humor. The resurrection of Jesus Christ fills us with joy so it is appropriate to have a Joy & Laughter Sunday on April 7!

Congregation members are encouraged to send along your witticisms to Pastor Randy and Pastor Nancy (; There will only be a single service at 9:30AM that Sunday, followed by a reception to acknowledge the conclusion of Pastor Randy's time at Woods as our interim pastor. Come join in this special day!

New Round of Stephen Ministry Training

We began a new series of Stephen Ministry training classes on February 23. This is a rigorous program designed to train new Stephen Ministers, lasting 50 hours over about four months. The teachers include Stephen Leaders Susan Cooper, Stacey Hilder, Rev. John Dunham, and Elder Bill Hadley. The trainees are Rev. John Benson, Phyllis Beardmore, Randy Fisher, Beth Hadley, and Bill Hadley. Bill is already trained as a Stephen Ministry leader and is seeking to become a full-fledged Stephen Minister by way of the current training underway. The trainees, once graduated, will be joining the current Stephen Ministers already in place at Woods. We have graduation planned for Sunday, June 7, and commissioning during one of the church services that day.

The training explores a wide range of issues from The Art of Listening, Christian Care Giving, Confidentiality, Grief Counseling, Depression, and Suicide, among others. Stephen Ministers are church lay leaders who are trained to meet confidentially with those confronting life’s challenges—death of a child or spouse, divorce, financial hardship, and other crises—to help them think through issues and seek God’s help in resolving them. Our goal as Stephen Ministers is to listen attentively to issues raised by our care receivers and explore them in depth. We then pray with our care receivers for the Lord’s guidance in seeking to resolve the issues under discussion. We meet weekly for an hour or so with those in need.

In the past, Woods Church has had an active Stephen Ministry program. Like many other such programs around the country, the COVID pandemic has had a negative impact on our work. With the pandemic now largely under control, we are seeking to revive our program with the training class now underway. Depending on interest, we may seek to run another training class this fall.

If you are interested, please contact Bill Hadley at 443.668.2551 or, Rev. John Dunham at 520.237.3638 or, Sue Cooper at 410.544.7281 or, or Stacey Hilder at 410.647.7041 or

Support the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

During Lent, we celebrate that God connects with us through Jesus' resurrection, and connects us with "those who have the least." One Great Hour of Sharing is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together to work for a better world.

Each gift helps improve the lives of the suffering and the vulnerable through three life-saving programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), providing relief form natural disasters; Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), providing food for the hungry; and Self-Development of People (SDOP), providing support for the poor and oppressed.

Click the button below to support the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Remember, if we all give a little, it adds up to a lot!

Contribute Online

Mission News

Adult Mission Trip with Habitat for Humanity

Woods is hosting an adult mission trip Monday–Saturday, April 1–6. We will travel to Richmond, Virginia, and work with the Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity affiliate,

If you’d like to volunteer with our group, spots are still available. Contact Scott Rundle at 443.458.2328 or for details.

Youth News

WoodsWork Registration is Open

WoodsWork registration is open! All rising 8th graders through graduated 12th graders are invited and encouraged to join us on our building trip to Roanoke, Virginia, June 18–26.

Download Flyer Register

Children's News

VBS Registration is Open

VBS 2024 will be held July 15–18, 4–7PM, for all children 3-years-old to 5th grade. Come explore how Jesus practices justice, model’s kindness, and walks humbly with God. Children will explore lessons on mercy, compassion, generosity, and encouragement through songs, art, gardening, and story time. The cost is $50 per child with a maximum of $100 per family. Dinner is included for registrants, and we welcome family members to come share a meal with us at 6:30PM. Extra meal tickets will be available for additional family members for $5 per person per night.


Peep Report | Week 5

Continue the Conversation at Home

Let's Continue the Conversation at Home about new beginnings when we thought it was an ending! On Sunday, we talked about how an empty egg looks like an ending, but it is really a new beginning. We have 9 chicks; 9 new lives! We are enjoying watching them learn and grow.

The empty shells reminded us of the empty tomb. Where the women expected to find Jesus' body...they found an empty cave! They were so surprised. They barely had any time to be sad because they found out that Jesus is alive. The ending was actually a beginning.

That reminds me of a new book by our friend Glenys Nellist. Song of the Seasons helps us see that God is with us throughout the seasons. Even when the world is quiet and seems to be "a slumber," the "earth sings God a brand-new song." Easter always happens as the daylight hours begin to be longer than the dark.

Have you been looking for signs of spring? I wonder how your garden or walk has changed from looking empty to being full? When we are sad at an ending, like Pastor Randy leaving, we can remember that endings are also beginnings. If Pastor Randy had not left somewhere to come here, we wouldn't know him. I wonder who is waiting to come here next?

We have so many new beginnings ahead of us. Next week, we have the Palm Sunday procession with a donkey. The NEXT week, we have Easter! Then we have the return of Jammies & Jesus, and our "Thank you, Pastor Randy" celebration. Through all of these new things, we will look for the beginnings.

Have a great week! Remember, Easter is coming!

Education & Small Groups

Lenten Journeys: From Grief to Gratitude

The Camino de Santiago is one of Christianity’s oldest pilgrimages, dating back to the tenth century. Millions of pilgrims have traveled this route to connect with something larger than themselves. They seek healing, redemption, understanding, and grace. With the Camino as the backdrop, this course explores the journey one pilgrim has taken, from grief to gratitude.

At 11AM on Sundays, through March 24, Woods member Kathy Lohff will share personal experiences from her journey on the Camino de Santiago while reviewing the nature and lure of spiritual pilgrimages across time. Join us in Room 208 or on Zoom. Please note, the 5:30PM session has been canceled.

For more information, please contact Kathy Lohff at or Sarah Wilson at

Music News

The Secret Garden Earns Rave Review

Thank you to everyone who supported our production of The Secret Garden—through being in the cast, crew, or coming to see the show. It was an honor to bring this show to life, and to welcome everyone into the garden. This show has a history of touching hearts and leaving an impact, and I'm proud to say that our production was no exception.

On closing night, we welcomed Amanda Gunther of TheatreBloom, as she presented us with the Bloomie Award, "an award that recognizes and celebrates theatrical excellence." We were the second-ever production to receive a Bloomie, out of theaters all across the Maryland, D.C., and Virginia areas. Every one of the 125+ people involved in this production were recognized with this award, but more importantly, we are grateful to have shared this beautiful story of hope and love.

Thank you all for being a part of our garden!

Click here to read the TheatreBloom review.

Church Family News

We're Looking for a Coordinator of Finance

Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church, is searching for a Coordinator of Finance. This position maintains the various church funds and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the church’s Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.

This is a part time, benefit eligible, 32 hours per week position. Knowledge of accounting software, REALM, and Microsoft Office applications required.

If interested, please contact John McLaughlin at 410.647.2550 x335 or

March PNC Update

After many remote interviews, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) engaged a recruiting consultant who presented a slate of potential candidates. All have passed Committee on Ministry Presbyter Reference Checks. We have interviewed all of the candidates and are proceeding with in person interviews.

Please continue to keep the PNC in your prayers as we work diligently on the important process of selecting a Head of Staff candidate to present to the congregation for its approval.

Congregational Prayer

God of ancient covenants and present-day promises, your steadfast love and faithfulness are still new every morning. During the gift of this day, help me to treat others—family, friends, coworkers, classmates, and even strangers—with love and mercy in our encounters. Open my eyes to the places, people, and circumstances in which your kingdom has truly come near. Renew a right spirit within me this Lenten season, in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.


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