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This week's release at a glance:
Pastor’s Message
Summer Worship Schedule
Youth Summer Gatherings
VBS Updates & Volunteers
We're Looking for a New Youth Director
Fourth of July Parade
How do you stay informed about what's happening in the world? Do you watch TV news or read an actual newspaper or rely on internet resources through your phone or computer? I've found that sometimes the news can feel overwhelming and I have to limit my engagement with current events to maintain my emotional equilibrium. There are only so many "talking heads" or "screaming headlines" any of us can process on a normal day.
Is it possible to pray in those moments that things feel like they're spinning out of control? I recently came across a poem by UCC minister and Hebrew scholar Walter Brueggemann that addresses this very topic. I have re-printed it here below.
When the world spins crazy, spins wild and out of control, spins toward rage and hate and violence, spins beyond our wisdom and nearly beyond our faith...we are glad for sobering roots that provide ballast in the storm.
We thank you, God, for our rootage in communities of faith, for many fathers and mothers who have believed and trusted as firm witnesses to us, for their many stories of wonder, awe, and healing.
We are glad for the rootage of the [scriptural] text, for its daring testimony, for its deep commands, for its exuberant tasks...because we know that as we probe deep into this text, we will find you hiding there; we will find you showing yourself there, speaking as you do, governing, healing, judging.
And when we meet you hiddenly, we find the spin not so unnerving, because from you the world again has a chance for life and sense and wholeness. So we pray midst the spinning, not yet unnerved, but waiting and watching and listening, for you are the truth that contains all our spin. Amen.
If things feel like they're spinning out of control, get your bearings from God and God's word that grounds us in a truth that is stable, supportive, and ever hopeful.
All the best in Christ,
Pastor Randy
We will move to our summer worship schedule on Sunday, June 18, with only one service at 9:30AM on Sunday mornings. These summer services will have a blend of traditional, contemporary, and special music offerings with some opportunities for "post-worship sermon conversations" in Fellowship Hall afterwards.
On Sunday, June 18, we will ordain and install our incoming church officers and commission our 2023 WoodsWork participants. Following worship, we will honor Pastor Nancy Lincoln Reynolds for her 40 years of ordination, as well as the 20 years she has been a pastor at Woods Church and director and therapist at the Woods Counseling & Care Center. She has richly blessed us with her deep faith and ministry of care and compassion. All are invited to Fellowship Hall at 10:30AM for refreshments and to express our gratitude to Pastor Nancy.
June is the last month in our fiscal year, an important time to complete any annual pledge commitments.
If you have questions about your giving status or want to submit a pledge for the 2023–2024 fiscal year, call the church office or email our Finance Coordinator Ada Sell.
Also, any funds donated to our Special Offering for June go to support our church's Flower Ministry.
Our Youth Group will next check at Rita's Italian Ice on Wednesday, June 21, 5–6PM. Stop by for a free Rita's ice!
Come make a difference in the faith of a child! We have storytellers, game leaders, musicians, and art leaders. What we need is YOU.
VBS is a Baptismal Vow moment where we live out our promises which are part of the Baptismal Charge during infant baptism. We pray for the children, teach them the Christian faith, love and nurture their families, and live out the call to Christian discipleship.
VBS—it’s what’s for dinner! Join your church family for dinner June 26–29, 6:15–7PM. You will get to see the "day's doings" from VBS. Please sign up for dinner with Kat or Frances in Fellowship Hall on Sunday. Let us be called children of God!
Families, don't let the discussion stop on Sunday. Children's Ministry is now providing you with "Continue the Conversation at Home" resources. One of the ministry members will share a book, a question, an activity, or a suggestion to explore with your child(ren).
This week's resource is a book titled When You are Brave by Pat Miller. Watch the video below to learn more. And see Miss Kat if you'd like to borrow a copy.
The primary responsibility of the Director of Youth Ministry is to direct, train and recruit a team of youth leadership and adult volunteers to serve the spiritual needs of young people (grades 6–12) and their families by creating an environment where youth, their families, and their adult leaders can engage in life-long Christian growth and discipleship. The Director of Youth Ministry will plan for and provide for a robust program of Christian Formation for youth and their families.
Send resumes to
Have you always wanted to be in a parade? Don't miss out on this fun way to support Woods Church as we participate in the Severna Park Fourth of July Parade, 10AM–12PM. Volunteers of all ages are welcome! Contact Sarah Kent by
Tuesday, June 20, for more details or to participate.
There will no game this Sunday, so that we can all enjoy Father's Day. Our next game will be on Sunday, June 25, 2PM, against Heritage Church at Cypress #1.
No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. Play as your schedule permits
If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at
443.867.8803 or
We celebrate, O God, how your Spirit descended upon all people on Pentecost. Your love amazes us. Unlike human love, it shows no partiality. Your eye watches over people of all languages and lands. Your help extends to sinners and saints alike. Your face shines on us even when we stray from you. Your ear hears the whispered prayers of our hearts better than do our own.
As a small part of your church, we pray for each other and your church universal. Bless all who are in need today. Heal the sick, comfort those who grieve, calm the anxious, walk beside those who are alone. Let us be your witnesses to the ends of the earth, through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Adapted from "Reformed Prayers for Christian Worship" (2002).
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