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This week's release at a glance:
Pastor’s Message
Introducing Oliver Page
Stewardship Update
Youth Ministry Beach Party
Bowie Baysox Game
Continue the Conversation at Home: The Tiny Seed
Sunday scriptures for the past few weeks have included numerous passages of parables from the gospel of Matthew. There are lots of parables in the gospels—between 30 and 40 of them—although surprisingly none in the gospel of John. The word literally means "comparison," which is appropriate because parables are designed to teach a moral or spiritual lesson through comparisons told in a simple story or simile.
I'll confess that I find it hard to preach on parables. Just like explaining a joke can ruin its humor, explaining a parable risks erasing its subtlety and applicability to our own lives. We each can appreciate how hard it is for a seed to put down roots in rocky soil or thrive when surrounded by weeds; however, the particular experience of rocky or weedy soil will be different for each one of us. Likewise, we can all identify with a life-goal that is as precious to us as a treasure found in a field or a pearl of great price; but your life-goal may well be different from mine and vice versa.
I like to think of parables as "just enough" tidbits of spiritual wisdom. They don't try to reveal the wonders of heaven or answer our every existential question. But in moments of need, these stories come to mind and give us "just enough" guidance to keep us moving forward by faith. Unsure about life choices? We remember the Prodigal Son or the Good Samaritan. Wondering whether hard work today will pay off tomorrow? We remember the seed that fell on good soil and bore a hundredfold of grain. Asking if faith priorities are truly worth the cost? Take a moment to remember that pearl of great price or the joy of welcoming home a lost sheep.
May the words of faith, especially the stories and images from the parables, be part of your vocabulary this week. There is much wisdom there that speaks to each of us right where we are. Thanks be to God!
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Randy
Join us in welcoming our new Youth Director, Oliver Page, to our Woods Church family. He will join our staff on Monday, July 31. Youth will have an opportunity to meet him at the Beach Party on Thursday, August 3, 5–7PM. He also will be with us for worship on Sunday, August 6.
Oliver is a youth worker equipped with tools he learned from more than eight years of experience working at camps, volunteering with organizations like Young Life and Amor Ministries, and working as a Youth Director within the Presbyterian Church. He has brought his vigor for youth ministry to Arizona, Texas, California, and, now, Maryland. He has a passion for working with young people and is full of ideas to enrich and grow this community. In addition to his commitment to ministry, Oliver is a passionate musician, loving brother and friend, and proud "nerd." He is beyond excited to bring a fresh energy and intention to Woods, working diligently to show God's love to the young people in such a special community.
The Youth Ministry will be hosting a beach party on Thursday, August 3, 5–9PM, at Hatton Beach, located at the end of Maple Avenue in Severna Park.
There will be food, swimming, paddle boards, kayaks, games, fishing available, and more. Come join the fun. This is a free event we are asking for attendees to please register so we can get a head count for this event.
The game is Sunday, August 6, 1:05PM. There is no charge. We have a limited number of tickets and interested parties should contact Dee Robinson at or 410.241.7229 to reserve tickets.
Mrs. Karen Royer helped us to remember that weeds are really just unexpected plants in an unexpected place. She told us that fleabane can help native bees and hummingbirds! Sometimes unexpected things can turn out to be wonderful! Continue the Conversation at Home with The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.
Have you travelled near, far, or been stay-cationing at home? Calvin reminds you and your family to reflect on how you have been involved in Woods Church Mission and Service activities in the past year. We want to celebrate that! How? "X" marks the spot on our Mission and Service Bingo! Download your sheet or pick one up at the Welcome desk at church.
If none of those activities are accessible for your family, add your own 5 boxes as a "bonus bottom row" and name the ways you and your family helped out from August 2022–August 2023. Bring your Bingo marked card to church! We have a sweet treat for those who serve in the name of Jesus!
Thank you for your strong response to our end-of-year Stewardship Campaign! It was successful by every metric, in that we saw an increase in the number of pledges, the size of the average pledge commitment, and the total amount pledged for the coming fiscal year. This does not diminish the value of the many other ways Woods members support our church, such as through your volunteer activity, participating in Christian Education and music ministries, offering compassionate care to others in need, and much more. However, the successful stewardship process lets us budget and plan for the coming year without falling victim to a scarcity mentality.
Acknowledgement letters to those who completed a formal pledge for 2023–2024 will be sent out this week. If you have any questions about your giving history or would still like to submit a pledge, you can contact Ada Sell, our financial coordinator, at
In Adam Hamilton's Making Sense of the Bible, you are invited into an honest conversation about the Bible. We begin with foundational questions such as, how and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it and why? How literally must we read it? And, is the Bible ever wrong?
We will consider the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians, including:
In approachable and inviting language, we will try to address these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving.
Classes are held on Sundays (through August 6), 11AM, in the Office Conference Room and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 818 4983 5186 | Passcode: 551274).
What: We Make the Road by Walking Discussion Group
Details: Join us to discuss We Make the Road by Walking by Brian McLaren. This book's 52 readings will guide us through growing our faith together. Each chapter is 3–4 pages. If you are seeking a faith connection, come. The book can be purchased on Amazon.
Location: Boone Station Gazebo
(Inclement weather: Room 150)
When: Sundays, July 30, August 13 & 27, 11AM–12PM
POC: Reach out to
Children’s Church Club is available for this group gathering.
Our next game will be on Sunday, July 30, 2PM, against College Parkway Baptist at Elvaton #1.
No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. Play as your schedule permits
If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at
443.867.8803 or
Merciful God, we thank you for the good ministry of so many at Woods Church. As we "pray without ceasing" for those whose lives complicated and difficult, we also pray with gratitude for your presence among us. Let us be mindful of those who hurt, grieve, and recover this week as we ask for healing and wholeness. May your Spirit of hope and promise prevail in our hearts.
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