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Pastor’s Message
This week in worship, we will be focusing on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians wherein he implicitly invited us to consider who we are in this world. Certainly, we are God’s children, but how we choose to live into that blessing is a decision we all must make individually.
I was reminded this week that too often we choose to identify ourselves and others according to external appearance and accomplishment. We all too frequently judge critically and speak hatefully of others in order to claim victory. But tearing others down does not build us up. In fact, it has the opposite effect.
Paul is clear that Christianity is not a competitive event with winners and losers, for we are called to love and encourage—not defeat—each other. He says that the mystery of Christ’s Spirit will abide in the inner self, where we demonstrate that we know the love of Christ, which surpasses anything we alone may know or do. That inner self is where God lives and thrives.
May we strive to provide Christ with a home in our hearts.
—Pastor Nancy
During our week of Vacation Bible School, our children learned about God’s saving love and our church’s work to reach out to our community. Thank you to all of our campers, families, and volunteers for making this year’s program a huge success!
Come and sing with us on these summer Sundays: July 28, August 18, and September 1. Members of the Adult Choir will meet at 8:45AM in the Sanctuary to rehearse an anthem, and then sing it for worship!
It’s fun, easy, and a great way to lend your voice over the summer! For more information, please email David Merrill at
We are in need of additional ushers to assist during worship. If you are interested in being a part of this important ministry, please reach out to Paul Self at
Join us for worship on Sundays this summer for a blended service at 9:30AM. This single-service will continue through Kick-Off Sunday, September 8.
We all have books on our shelves that we have read (or intended to read) that we would love to pass on to someone else benefit from and enjoy. For our Second Sunday Fellowship on August 11, the Adult Education and Small Groups Ministry will host a "Book Swap" table in Fellowship Hall immediately after our service. These will be (mostly) Christian-themed books, but not exclusively.
Bring a book that you are finished with and/or take a book that looks interesting to you. No need to bring one to take one! For bonus points, slip a card in the book with a sentence or three about why you liked the book. Books can be dropped off before the service at the table, ahead of time in Sarah Wilson's office, or simply when you come to the table.
We hope you will participate in granting new life to these shelf-dwellers and new fodder for your mental and spiritual growth.
This Stewardship season, our Clouds of Witnesses have pledged $1,284,791, which represents 83% of our $1,540,000 goal. Thank you so much for your continued support of Woods missions.
If you have not done so already, please make your pledge online at or fill out a pledge card in the front office.
Are you interesting in participating in a mission trip with Baltimore Presbytery to the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) in Guatemala, November 2–9? The trip will focus on causes of immigration, as well as visits to CEDEPCA programs that support women and families, efforts to reduce emigration and domestic violence, and projects to provide sustainable employment within the country.
If you would like more information, email Sher at or call at
Our new high school youth Bible study Film and Faith! will be meeting throughout the summer, every Tuesday night , 7PM. Each week, we will be looking at scripture through the lens of some of our favorite movies! (We’ll gather immediately following Tuesday Night Thrive!). We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact Oliver Page at
Let's Continue the Conversation at home from Sunday morning. Last week and last Sunday, we talked about gathering. We remembered that God said, "When you pass through deep water, I will be with you." It was our Vacation Bible Study "North Star" verse.
During VBS, we made crafts, sang songs, and learned about faith, but the most important thing we did was gather. We showed up. We shared time and moved around each other in the same place.
That reminds me of This Book is Not About the Kitten by Randall de Sèvre. A kitten is found and adopted, but the book is about the listening for the sound of the kitten, the stopping to look, the caring, and all of the other ways that the folks in the book showed up and started a community.
I hope you find ways to listen, to care, and to show up for the people around you. It can be as simple as noticing some trash in a yard and picking it up. It's about the caring.
This week, our softball team will take the field against College Park Baptist at Cypress #2 on Sunday, July 28, 2PM. If you’d like to play, contact Andrew Wiley at 443.867.8803 or
No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age as of December 31, 2023. Play as your schedule permits.
It is with sadness that we share the death of Woods member, Donna Spencer. Donna was a member of Woods Church since 2003.
A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be announced in a future email. Please keep Donna’s family and friends in your prayers.
A Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Woods member, Marion Miller, will be held at Woods Church on Saturday, July 27, 11AM.
Marion was a member of Woods Church since 2009. Please keep her husband, Stu, and her daughters Mary Beth Dearing and Carrie Hilliard, and all of their family and friends in your prayers.
Loving God, you created us in your image to serve others in love and to foster peace on Earth. We pray that your Spirit will guide us and lead us to be peacemakers regardless of the differences among us. We pray this day for all of your children and to encourage us to be citizens of free and peaceful nations.
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