Messenger | January 25, 2023

January 25, 2023

Messenger | January 25, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Mid-Fiscal-Year Finance Report
  • Coffeehouse Concert
  • New Things from Woods Counseling & Care Center
  • New Member Class

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

In last week's Messenger, I shared an update regarding the recent adjustments the Woods Session made to our membership rolls. Working most of last year, a review was made of the existing roll and, as appropriate, some individuals or families were removed from the roll entirely or named as "friends of Woods"—meaning they are affiliated with our congregation, but not actively engaged with us. While the current number on our rolls is just below 1200, I know that we will end 2023 with a membership number above 1200 and I see that upward trend continuing in the coming years.

Woods remains the largest church in Baltimore Presbytery—the only Presbyterian congregation with a membership above 1000. In fact, of the 65 churches in our Presbytery, Woods is the only one with more than 1000 members; First Annapolis is the only one with more than 600 members; First of Howard County is the only one with more than 500 members; and only three churches (Central, Frederick, and Towson) list more than 400 members on their rolls. All the rest have less than 400 members, with the greatest majority (42 churches) qualifying as "small congregations" with 125 or fewer members.

Membership roll numbers only tell part of the story. Worship attendance is another critical measure of church vitality. And it should be noted that many, many small churches do "outsize" ministry both in staying connected within their congregation and in their service to the larger community. Remember Jesus said "Feed my sheep," not "count my sheep"!

I share these statistics as a reminder that Woods has a lot going for it in terms of its history, its facility, its staff, resources, programs, and outreach to the community. Just this past Sunday, I had conversations with four different individuals and/or families who were visiting Woods for the first time and grateful for the chance to worship with us.

As we each step up to support the vitality of Woods church, we are saying "Yes" to Christ's discipleship call on our lives. Our mutual prayer is that by God's grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit, our congregation continues moving forward faithfully day by day.


Pastor Randy

Building Life

The recent incident of bullying at SPHS affects all of us at Woods Church. Certainly we oppose any behavior or activity that causes harm to another; that we respect the person and rights of others is a general societal truth. Within the context of the church, we look to Biblical teachings and Christ-like perspectives for guidance.

Woods’ Vision Statement affirms our commitment to transforming lives and society through Jesus Christ. The Golden Rule, doing unto others what we would have them do unto us, makes it clear that bullying is outside that directive. That said, it is also important that we consider the Biblical mandates to love one another and to avoid judgement which, ultimately, may come back to implicate us. Perhaps the onslaught of condemnation and angry words that have inundated the community response to this situation are equally harmful and at odds with Biblical principles.

The impulse to judge and punish runs counter to the Gospel. Especially where children are involved, we are given the responsibility to ensure and model Christ-like behaviors and attitudes. In the current scenario at our high school, to assume that any of us has access to all the information about this situation that we may become jury and judge is both presumptuous and unfair. To draw conclusions or take action (verbally or physically) on what we think we know without taking into consideration surrounding circumstances or the whole picture is wrong. This is not to say that any form of harm to another, as in bullying, may ever be justified. But humiliation, shaming and condemnation of others is also never justifiable.

Finally, the use and abuse of social media is notable in this case. The Bible speaks clearly to destructive aspects of talking about others. When the intent of “information sharing” is to punish and/or humiliate others something is truly amiss. Sadly, while we have focused on this single incident, reality tells us (as do students themselves) that bullying is a common occurrence in our schools across the country. Expressing outrage at this one incident does not resolve the others.

Transformation in individuals and in communities may only occur as we model the Gospel through and in our own lives, and as we advocate grace especially in the midst of difficult and challenging times. Woods Church does not support a culture of judgement and condemnation but of understanding, compassion and love.

The Woods Counseling and Care Center is available for consultation to children and/or families. We will be pursuing programming, research and outreach in an attempt to develop ways to address this ongoing behavior in our schools, and to assist children and their families with coping and resilience.

—Pastor Nancy

Church News

Welcome to New Staff Member Sarah Wilson

Beginning in February, Sarah Wilson will be joining the Woods Church staff to assist with several aspects of our ministry programs. She will be checking in with our Small Group leaders, assisting them in their curriculum selection and directing people to their offerings. She will also partner with our Adult Education team to advise them on new classes and provide support for current ones. And she will be available to join our pastoral care team and assist as a liturgist for worship.

Sarah is a long-time member of Woods Church, a graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, and most recently a chaplain intern providing pastoral care to patients at Anne Arundel Medical Center and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Her new job title is quite long—"Interim Coordinator for Small Groups, Adult Education & Pastoral Support." Think of Sarah as working to keep the Woods church connected through fellowship, study, and congregational care. Please welcome her in this role!

2022 Contribution Statements

You will be receiving your calendar year 2022 contribution statement in the mail by the end of the month. Please note that this is different from our pledge year that runs from 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023.

Apportionment is Due

Woods Church is part of Baltimore Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination. The way our congregation supports the ministries of the wider church is through paying our annual per capita apportionment. For everyone listed as a member of Woods at the end of 2021, we are asked to contribute $40. These funds go to the General Assembly ($9.85), Synod ($1.15), and Presbytery ($29) branches of our denomination.

In order to maintain a balanced budget, we are asking each member and/or family (with confirmed youth and adults) to contribute the cost of the $40 apportionment.

On behalf of the staff and leadership of Woods Church, we thank you for your generosity and continued support.

Make a Contribution

Mid-Fiscal-Year Finance Report

Every month, the Session receives a summary of the church budget. Since we are at the halfway mark in our fiscal year, we wanted to share the December report with you. At the end of 2022, we only are running a small deficit with both income and expenses running as expected. While we do anticipate ending the fiscal year with a deficit, we hope that with increased giving and a modest transfer from our endowment, we will still be in a strong financial position.

View Finance Report

Jammies and Jesus

Start your Sunday with a dish of Sunshine! Join Pastor Randy and Ms. Kat for Jammies and Jesus. We will gather on Zoom, 8AM, to pray and play as we have a bowl of cereal and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made! Before heading out to the ballfield/pitch/field or while you get ready to worship in person, start your day with fifteen minutes of fellowship and fun.

Please note, that the Zoom info has been updated!

Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 891 8956 5251 | Passcode: 203085

Ministry Announcements

Youth Ministry Ski Trip

Join Youth Ministry for our Annual High School Ski Trip February 24–26. This year, we are going to Ski Sawmill Family Resort in Morris, Pennsylvania. If you cancel your registration, $25 of the $250 cost is non-refundable. Your registration covers:

  • 2 nights lodging in the group mountain lodge bunk rooms that can sleep up to 22 people per room. Arrive Friday and Leave Sunday!
  • 3 meals (continental breakfast Saturday & Sunday, and dinner Saturday). And 20% discount for lunch on Saturday.
  • 2 all-day lift tickets for Saturday & Sunday.
  • 2 all-day ski rentals.
  • Beginners group ski lesson if needed
Register for the Ski Trip

Winter Relief

Winter Relief is coming March 13–20. Sign-ups will start in February. At that time, you will be able to sign up to help after each Service or online in Signup Genius. There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations. Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or

The Winter Relief Shelter at Woods is in need of various supplies. Please donate NEW travel size toiletries: deodorant, soap, shampoo, and brushes/combs (conditioner, toothpaste, and toothbrushes are not needed this year). The shelter also is in need of men’s and women’s underwear and t-shirts of various sizes and socks, both dark and white. The items can be dropped off at the church office marked “Scott Wiley/Winter Relief.”

Volunteer Help Wanted for Cecilia McKay Fund Management

The Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund is intended to assist those who are facing eviction or utility shut-off due to lack of funds. Dick Moore is currently managing that fund under the Missions Committee (or the Missions Director when we had one).

At this time Dick is looking for a Woods member who can share the duties and also be a part of the Missions Committee. After some minimal training, that person would help respond to phone requests for financial assistance, meet with some of those who fulfill our requirements, and be the Missions Committee member to provide updates to the Committee as needed. Anyone interested, please contact Dick Moore at 410.490.7607 or and he will answer any questions.

Upcoming Events

Coffee House Concert

Join members and friends of the Woods Praise Band on Saturday, February 11, 7:30PM, for a free evening of popular acoustic music in Fellowship Hall. Coffee and refreshments will be available.

New Member Class

Our next New Member Class will be Sunday, February 5, 9:30AM. If you know anybody that may be interested, please contact Chris Swift at

Coming Soon to the Woods
Counseling & Care Center

Caregivers Support Group

If you are a caregiver to a family member or friend, this group provides an opportunity to share experiences with those in similar situations. Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month during 2023, 1–2:30PM, in the large group room of the Woods Counseling & Care Center (8 Cypress Creek Road).


The group will begin on Wednesday, February 8. Meetings will be facilitated by Teri Hocking and Jean Clarke, both long-time educators and facilitators of groups for youth and adults. To register, email Nancy Sullivan at

Seven Lessons for the Living

This is a seven-week seminar for those interested in nourishing their spirituality and addressing what really matters in life. In-person meetings will begin on Thursday, February 23, 4–5:30PM, at the Woods Counseling & Care Center. The seminar also will be offered on Zoom, date and time TBD.

Discussion will center on the book, 7 Lessons for the Living from the Dying, by hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt. To register, contact Bill Hocking at or Nancy Sullivan at

Church Family News

Send Us a Bible Verse

Help us fill our calendar! We started this calendar on our church Facebook page and have filled the first seven Sundays. Our goal is to have 52 friends to share a Bible verse with us. We will then write that verse and name on a Sunday on our 2023 calendar and we will encourage our staff to read your verse each morning of that week. Please send your favorite scripture to Maureen Adams at We are looking forward to praying for you!

We Give Thanks for New Life

Please include Erin and Donny Ward in your prayers, on the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Hafer Ward.

Congregational Prayer

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son. Look with compassion on the whole human family, take away the arrogance and hatred that infect our hearts, break down the walls that separate us, unite us in bonds of love, and work through us to accomplish your purposes on earth; so that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony and rejoice around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


(From the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship)

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