Messenger | January 18, 2023

January 18, 2023

Messenger | January 18, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Mid-Fiscal-Year Finance Report
  • Coffeehouse Concert
  • New Things from Woods Counseling & Care Center
  • New Congregational Birth

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

One of the ongoing requirements of our Session is to maintain accurate rolls of our church members. This includes adding people who join as new members—whether through profession, confirmation, or transfer from another church—as well as removing people who have died, moved away, or chosen to continue their spiritual growth within a new congregation.

In 2022, the Welcome and Deacons ministries did an extensive review of our active member rolls. They sent out emails and made phone calls, seeking to verify which families remain actively engaged and connected to our church. As a result of that, recommendations were made to the Session twice in 2022 to adjust the rolls downward. After the most recent adjustment in December, the current membership number for Woods Church is just under 1200.

While Woods continues to be the largest Presbyterian congregation in Baltimore Presbytery, reducing our membership rolls is never an easy process. Part of the losses involved Confirmation students from years ago who had been kept on the rolls even though they had moved away, married, or settled in different churches. Other losses involved families who relocated or simply had fallen out of the habit of being active in church life due to Covid or other life changes.

One advantage of having a more accurate number on our membership roll is a cost savings in reduced "per capita" apportionment due to the Presbytery and General Assembly. Another advantage is that we can honestly structure our staff and programming to serve the congregation we are, as opposed to believing we are something that is simply no longer true. In a real sense, we who are "here" are the ones who will need to step forward and make sure our ministries and mission continue to glorify God and serve our entire community.

Our Session is committed to build up our membership roll numbers. You can help by reaching out to invite friends to worship, whether online or in person. The story of Christ's love is a story best shared within a community of worship, sacraments, prayer and mutual support. Woods is all of that. Thank you for being here and let's continue to welcome others to this church family!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

Apportionment is Due

Woods Church is part of Baltimore Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination. The way our congregation supports the ministries of the wider church is through paying our annual per capita apportionment. For everyone listed as a member of Woods at the end of 2021, we are asked to contribute $40. These funds go to the General Assembly ($9.85), Synod ($1.15), and Presbytery ($29) branches of our denomination.

In order to maintain a balanced budget, we are asking each member and/or family (with confirmed youth and adults) to contribute the cost of the $40 apportionment.

On behalf of the staff and leadership of Woods Church, we thank you for your generosity and continued support.

Make a Contribution

Mid-Fiscal-Year Finance Report

Every month, the Session receives a summary of the church budget. Since we are at the halfway mark in our fiscal year, we wanted to share the December report with you. At the end of 2022, we only are running a small deficit with both income and expenses running as expected. While we do anticipate ending the fiscal year with a deficit, we hope that with increased giving and a modest transfer from our endowment, we will still be in a strong financial position.

View Finance Report

Jammies and Jesus

Start your Sunday with a dish of Sunshine! Join Pastor Randy and Ms. Kat for Jammies and Jesus. We will gather on Zoom, 8AM, to pray and play as we have a bowl of cereal and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made! Before heading out to the ballfield/pitch/field or while you get ready to worship in person, start your day with fifteen minutes of fellowship and fun.

Please note, that the Zoom info has been updated!

Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 980 9245 2972; Passcode: sU4ys0

January's Special Offering: Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund

We all have noticed prices for every necessity going, gas, home cleaning products, car repairs, medical co-pay...everything. Many of those you see every day are living on the edge of poverty due to uncertainty of weather and success of business where they work.

So how would you decide to spend declining income?...feed your family?...fix your car so you can get to work? your medical co-pay so your child can see a doctor?

What if these same individuals get sick themselves and miss a few days of work (no pay)? They postpone paying rent or utility bills while hoping next month will be better.

In the 2021–2022 year, the Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund provided 35 individuals / families with financial assistance to keep them from getting evicted or having a utility shut off.

But in the past month, this past average of helping 3 families a month has increased to 5 each month! This fund is not a budget item; it relies on directed donations from you!

We are the hands and feet of Christ here on Earth today! No donation is too small. "...just as you did it to one of the least of did it to me." (Matthew 25:40)

Support the Fund

Update on Covid Precautions

In consultation with medical professionals here at Woods, here is a brief reminder regarding appropriate precautions to take during this lingering season of respiratory illnesses.

The newest Covid variant (XBB.1.5) continues to be highly contagious. It appears not to produce more serious illness; however, coupled with other respiratory viruses and flu, it can be very problematic (especially for high risk older adults). The recommendations are to consider wearing a mask indoors, social distance whenever possible, maintain good hand hygiene, and stay up to date with the most recent Covid boosters.

The church will work on optimizing airflow whenever possible. And should you have any questions or concerns, check in with your primary care provider.

Ministry Announcements

Youth Ministry Ski Trip

Join Youth Ministry for our Annual High School Ski Trip February 24–26. This year, we are going to Ski Sawmill Family Resort in Morris, Pennsylvania. If you cancel your registration, $25 of the $250 cost is non-refundable. Your registration covers:

  • 2 nights lodging in the group mountain lodge bunk rooms that can sleep up to 22 people per room. Arrive Friday and Leave Sunday!
  • 3 meals (continental breakfast Saturday & Sunday, and dinner Saturday). And 20% discount for lunch on Saturday.
  • 2 all-day lift tickets for Saturday & Sunday.
  • 2 all-day ski rentals.
  • Beginners group ski lesson if needed
Register for the Ski Trip

Winter Relief

Winter Relief is coming March 13–20. Sign-ups will start in February. At that time, you will be able to sign up to help after each Service or online in Signup Genius. There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations. Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or

The Winter Relief Shelter at Woods is in need of various supplies. Please donate NEW travel size toiletries: deodorant, soap, shampoo, and brushes/combs (conditioner, toothpaste, and toothbrushes are not needed this year). The shelter also is in need of men’s and women’s underwear and t-shirts of various sizes and socks, both dark and white. The items can be dropped off at the church office marked “Scott Wiley/Winter Relief.”

What are we Addicted to?

Author Richard Rohr has said the following: "We are all addicted to our own habitual way of doing anything, our own defenses, and most especially our patterned way of thinking, or how we process reality. There are shared and agreed-upon addictions in every culture and every institution (including Woods Church). These are often the hardest to heal because they do not look like addictions because we have all agreed to be compulsive about the same things and blind to the same problems."

There will be a book study on Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps by Richard Rohr. We meet on Sundays, 9:30AM, in the Office Conference Room and on Zoom

Send Us a Bible Verse

Help us fill our calendar! We started this calendar on our church Facebook page and have filled the first seven Sundays. Our goal is to have 52 friends to share a Bible verse with us. We will then write that verse and name on a Sunday on our 2023 calendar and we will encourage our staff to read your verse each morning of that week. Please send your favorite scripture to Maureen Adams at We are looking forward to praying for you!

Upcoming Events

Winter Pajama and Movie Night!

Funds raised from this event will be used to help repair and replace furniture in the Child Development Center.

New Member Class

Our next New Member Class will be Sunday, February 5, 9:30AM. If you know anybody that may be interested, please contact Chris Swift at

Coffee House Concert

Join members and friends of the Woods Praise Band on Saturday, February 11, 7:30PM, for a free evening of popular acoustic music in Fellowship Hall. Coffee and refreshments will be available.

Coming Soon to the Woods
Counseling & Care Center

Caregivers Support Group

If you are a caregiver to a family member or friend, this group provides an opportunity to share experiences with those in similar situations. Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month during 2023, 1–2:30PM, in the large group room of the Woods Counseling & Care Center (8 Cypress Creek Road).


The group will begin on Wednesday, February 8. Meetings will be facilitated by Teri Hocking and Jean Clarke, both long-time educators and facilitators of groups for youth and adults. To register, email Nancy Sullivan at

Seven Lessons for the Living

This is a seven-week seminar for those interested in nourishing their spirituality and addressing what really matters in life. In-person meetings will begin on Thursday, February 23, 4–5:30PM, at the Woods Counseling & Care Center. The seminar also will be offered on Zoom, date and time TBD.

Discussion will center on the book, 7 Lessons for the Living from the Dying, by hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt. To register, contact Bill Hocking at or Nancy Sullivan at

Church Family News

We Give Thanks for New Life

Please include Erin and Donny Ward in your prayers, on the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Hafer Ward.

Congregational Prayer

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son. Look with compassion on the whole human family, take away the arrogance and hatred that infect our hearts, break down the walls that separate us, unite us in bonds of love, and work through us to accomplish your purposes on earth; so that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony and rejoice around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


(From the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship)

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