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This week's release at a glance:
For the next three Sundays, we'll be looking at the story of Ruth. It is a wonderful saga from the Old Testament. (It follows Judges and comes before 1 Samuel.) We will learn about Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz—about struggles and covenants and God's grace that makes a way out of "no way."
Ruth is just one of the many extended stories of the Old Testament. Think also of the tales of the Jewish princess Esther, the shepherd boy David who defeated Goliath and became a mighty king, and the dreamer Joseph whose time in Egyptian exile saved the entire Jewish nation. These stories were an important part of the early church's life, and remain foundational for our Christian faith. If you don't remember all the details of these stories, find time to read them again. And if you have kids or grandkids, make sure you've got a Children's Bible handy so you can share these stories with them. (Kat Green or Frances Carty can assuredly help you find appropriate resources.)
At its heart, Christian faith is not a light switch we either have on or off in our heart, nor is it a manual of rules we have mastered and strive to follow. Ultimately it is a story in which we are both acted upon and a principal actor ourselves. It is a story that has a beginning—whether at our baptism or confirmation or whenever the gospel message truly took root in our life; and it has a middle—as we daily live out our faith and put the gospel principles into practice. The end of the story—well, that is in God's hands. We await those final pages with hope and trust as followers of a risen Christ.
What is your story of faith? Where do you see glimpses of your journey in the tales of Ruth, Joseph, or Mary Magdalene? Each day is a new page in the ongoing drama of faithful living. Let us each go forward by faith as people of God's salvation story.
All the best in Christ,
Pastor Randy
There will be a brief congregational meeting between our two worship services on Sunday, January 21. It will begin at 10:25AM, and have four items of business:
Download a copy of the amended Woods Church bylaws below, including a summary outlining the major changes. Please join us for this important church meeting.
Our congregation is one of 63 Presbyterian churches in Baltimore Presbytery, and one of almost 10,000 churches in the PC(USA). Each congregation is asked to pay a "per capita" assessment to support the work of our entire denomination. For everyone listed as a member of Woods Church as of the end of 2022, we are asked to contribute $40. These funds go to the General Assembly ($9.85), Synod ($1.15), and Presbytery ($29) branches of our denomination.
Not every church is able to contribute the full per capita, so honoring our commitment to this apportionment is very important to the overall health of our denomination. We include a full payment of this obligation in our annual budget and then ask each member and/or family to contribute the cost of this $40 per member apportionment.
On behalf of the staff and leadership of Woods Church, we thank you for your generosity and continued support.
When the weather is bad, please check our website at to find out if our building is closed, opening late, or closing early.
We’re still in need of volunteers to lend a hand at the shelter during Winter Relief, January 22–29. Open slots include:
Sign up online. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at
410.353.1491 or email
Woods financially assists the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) PC(USA) and their mission co-workers, including Betsey & Eric Moe in Guatemala.
Betsey is serving as a facilitator for the Intercultural Encounters Program of the CEDEPCA. She is part of the team that receives visiting groups, plans and facilitates their educational program and itinerary, interprets, and leads reflection discussions. Eric has been a professional musician in the U.S., and now uses music to connect with people in Guatemala.
Please pray for this ministry that is transforming lives.
Adult Education is offering a new study on The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine, Sundays through February 11, 11AM. Jesus provided his disciples teachings for how to follow God’s word, parables to help them discern questions of ethics and of human nature, and beatitudes for comfort and encouragement. But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers—then and now—have found difficult. He instructs disciples to act as if they are slaves, and to sell their possessions and give the money to the poor. Dr. Levine shows how these difficult teachings might be interpreted today.
Books are on the office credenza. Class will meet in the office conference room and on Zoom.
On Sunday, February 4, 11AM, Woods member John Officer will join us in Room 208 to discuss his approach to discerning and navigating a more effective path through life by encompassing traits from both our warrior and spiritual selves.
Productivity without a spiritual component can result in a hollow existence, while spirituality without warrior function may limit our effectiveness in getting things done. Pulling from his years of experience as a highly successful coach at the collegiate level (including 30 years at the USNA), Officer has identified a pathway to greater personal fulfillment in his concept of the “Spiritual Warrior.”
The Savvy Seniors meeting scheduled for this
Tuesday, January 16, has been postponed. Savvy Seniors will resume on
Tuesday, February 20, 1PM.
Saturday, February 10, middle schoolers are going tubing at Whitetail Resort! We will depart from the church at 9AM, via bus, and return at 5PM that same day. 6th-8th graders are invited to join us for a day of fun on the slopes!
Friday–Sunday, February 23–25, high schoolers are spending the weekend skiing at Ski Sawmill Family Resort! 9th-12th graders are invited to join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship. We will leave from the church on Friday, 5PM, and return on Sunday, 6:30PM.
WoodsWork registration is open! All rising 8th graders through graduated 12th graders are invited and encouraged to join us on our building trip to Roanoke, Virginia,
June 18–26.
Last Sunday, we lifted up Jeanne Fogle's ministry among us. Jeanne has long been a champion of our children’s ministry at Woods, using her background as an educator and as an artist to help our congregation’s young people tap into their talents so they can use them to worship God and share God’s message with others.
For many years, Jeanne was director of the St. Cecilia Children’s Choir and led music for the Child Development Center. She also was an integral part of Woods Arts Camp, a weeklong retreat where children got to explore how arts disciplines could be part of worship. In 1999, she established the Woods puppet ministry, which flourished for many years, giving older children the opportunity to teach younger children.
Bible stories and values through original puppet shows she wrote and directed. Jeanne’s imagination and dedication to children prove that worship is a joyful time for the young and young at heart, and her leadership has created a lasting legacy for the Woods community.
—Dylan Roche
Let's Continue the Conversation at Home about being part of Jesus' Ministry. On Sunday, we heard about how Jesus began his ministry after his baptism. Baptism is usually a beginning. It can be a beginning of a new life— like when we baptize a baby—or it can be a beginning of living a new way—like when we baptize an adult. Jesus started calling people together to be part of his ministry. He taught his friends, his neighbors, and everyone around him how to show God's love to everyone.
Give by Jen Arena and Rahele Jomepour Bell is a wonderful book that tells us to "Give what you have" when someone is in need. We need to observe the world around us. See it, really see it. Then you will see the need, and you can look inside you. What do you have to give?
Frederick Buechner said in his book Wishful Thinking, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
It's a Let's Continue the Conversation at Home two-fer. Jeanne Fogle found the children's need to hear about God's love and gave them storytelling tools, like puppets. I wonder how will you be part of Jesus' Ministry?
For more information on any of our choirs, please email David Merrill at
Adult Choir
Come join us as we sing and lead worship through all styles and genres of music. All are welcome to come and sing! We rehearse Thursday evenings, 7PM, in the choir room. We look forward to having you with us!
Children's Choir
Any child in grades 1–5 is welcome to come sing in our Children’s Choir! Rehearsals are on
Sundays, 12:15–12:45PM, in the choir room.
Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music… then come on down! Any youth in grades 6–12 is welcome to join our SEEK Band. The SEEK Band offers music for worship regularly, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Rehearsals are on
Sundays, 1–2PM.
Come and experience this beautiful musical, March 8–10 & 15–17, 7:30PM! This is a truly poignant and uplifting story about love, hope, and finding one's home. The story follows that of 12-year-old Mary Lennox, and her journey in finding her home: The Secret Garden. Within the church, we will use the imagery of a garden to represent our church and church community, as we nurture one another, grow and learn together, and guide each other along the way. We have incredible vocalists from the surrounding area, professional choreography, and beautiful lighting!
Tickets are $15; doors open at 7PM. For more information, please visit our ticket website at
We are in need of help with hair design for The Secret Garden. This would include creating ideas for specific hair looks and applying those ideas during our tech week and show days. If you enjoy working with hair, we would love to have you!
Email David Merrill at if your interested in helping.
Harundale Presbyterian Church (1020 Eastway, Glen Burnie, MD) is looking for a 20-hour a week administrative assistant. For more information, applicants can contact the church at 410.766.4338.
Join the Praise Band and friends for an evening of acoustic music, fellowship, and fun on Saturday, February 10, 7:30PM. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information contact Sarah Kent at
The Deacons of Woods Church invite you to join them for a fun evening of traditional Irish Fare and entertainment on Friday, March 15, 5:30PM, in Fellowship Hall. Details to follow!
Loving God, I give you thanks for breath and life, for the people I will see today, for family, neighbors and friends. Help me to give thanks especially for the people who pull me to new understandings and show me sides of life that I have not known or appreciated. By your grace may I follow where you lead today; in Jesus' name.
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