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This week's release at a glance:
In the Presbyterian Church, unlike some other traditions, there is not an official “season” of the church calendar between Epiphany and the beginning of Lent. Our friends in the Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, and Lutheran churches do celebrate a formal season of Epiphany, but the Presbyterian Church does not. I haven’t found a particular reason why this is the case; the season of Epiphany is essentially a focus on the unfolding manifestation of Christ as God’s self-revelation in the world in his early ministry and miracles in the region of Galilee, which seems like a good thing to celebrate as well as a natural bridge between the celebration of God’s incarnation in the birth of Christ at Christmas and Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem and the events of Holy Week that are commemorated in Lent.
So, here at Woods, we are going to split the difference, so to speak, between a formal liturgical season in Epiphany and a series of unconnected Sunday worship services. Over the next seven weeks, we are going to explore our 2025 church theme of “Accompanying Others” through the particular lens of a sermon series, titled “Home By Another Way.” You may recall that this phrase is what the narrator of Luke’s gospel says the Magi do after their visitation to the Christ child, when they are warned in a dream not to go back and report to King Herod, who wants to eliminate Jesus as a threat to his rule. Instead, they go “home by another way,” meaning back to their homeland in the Persian Empire. But it’s also a lovely metaphor for what happens to us after encountering the Christ child ourselves. Contrary to Thomas Wolfe’s famous assertion, you can go home again, but things are still very different after we witness God’s revealed in Jesus; we have to go home by another way, take different paths than we did before, paths that change not just the course of our journey but we ourselves as we take it. So over these next weeks, we’ll be exploring what that means for us on our journeys of faith as individuals and as a congregation on the new ways we find ourselves following in 2025. I look forward to joining you on the way!
Peace and blessings,
—Pastor J.C.
Winter Relief is coming January 20–27. Sign up to help after each Service in Fellowship Hall or online on on the Church website.
There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations.
Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or Thank you for helping with this important mission.
The Winter Relief Shelter at Woods needs various supplies. Please donate new travel size toiletries: deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes. (We do not need soap, conditioner, or combs or brushes.) The shelter also is in need of new men’s and women’s underwear including panties, undershirts and underpants of all sizes. (We do not need socks or men’s large underpants at this time.)
The items can be dropped off at the church office marked “Scott Wiley/Winter Relief.”
There will be a Service of Wholeness on Wednesday, January 15, 6:15PM, in the Sanctuary. This is a deeply spiritual service of prayer, laying on of hands, and anointing by the pastors and elders for those experiencing emotional or physical concerns.
If you would like to attend, contact Maureen Adams at
410.647.2550 or
On Sunday, January 19, we recognize civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King. During our 9:30AM service, we will sing what is known to be his favorite hymn, Precious Lord, Take My Hand. King often sang this hymn at his rallies. Mahalia Jackson's soulful rendition of the song captured King's heart, and she sang it at his funeral. In addition, King was a fan of jazz and gospel music. In recognition, the choir will sing a gospel anthem, I’ve Been ‘Buked, written by Hall Johnson.
In the 2025 new year, please consider supporting the Woods Bagel Ministry. The ministry offers bagels every Sunday after each service. You can honor or celebrate a person or special occasion of your choice. It is supported through your generosity and donations are $100. Your financial gift allows us to welcome all into fellowship.
To request a date, please email Kathie Hamlett at or stop by after worship on any Sunday.
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."—Matthew 18:20
Please join Adult Education in February for a four-part series on the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation led by Dr. Bill Hadley, an expert on the subject. The sessions will be held from 11AM–12PM in Room 208.
Lead Pastor J.C. Austin and Associate Pastor Nancy Lincoln Reynolds offer a weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays, 12PM, to examine the upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings before they are presented in worship.
Join us on Zoom and gain a new understanding of scripture and enhance your worship experience.
Adult Education is offering a new study on Sundays through January 26, 11AM, featuring Which Way Lord by the Rev. Rob Fuquay. As Christians, we hunger to know and live out God's purpose for our lives. But how do we know for certain which way to go? This study aims to help you understand God’s direction for your life. Your guide for this journey is Paul, the missionary hero of early church history.
Through many detours, adversity, and time spent thinking about his life, Paul completely reoriented his understanding of faith and God’s purpose for his life. God placed Paul in a community that shared God’s love with him, and Paul underwent several years of training in his quest to follow Jesus and ultimately follow his call to be an apostle.
We will meet in the Office Conference Room and on
Zoom. Books are in the office.
Our middle school students are going tubing on Saturday, February 8, at Whitetail resort in Pennsylvania. All youth in grades 6–8 are welcome. We will meet at Woods at 9AM, and return around 5PM that same day. The cost is $40 per participant. We'd love to have you join us!
Reach out to our Youth Director Oliver Page at with any questions.
Our annual ski trip for high school youth will be held Friday–Sunday, February 21–23. We are going to Ski Sawmill Family Resort in Pennsylvania for a weekend of skiing and fellowship! The trip—equipment rentals included—is only $50 per person. All Youth 9th-12th grade are welcome. We'd love to have you join us!
If you have any questions, email our Youth Director Oliver Page at
Vacation Bible Study for all ages—smalls, talls, and all—will be held
July 14–17, 4–7PM, with dinner at 6:30PM.
Registration opens February 1!
Let's Continue the Conversation at Home from Sunday! Our children's story was the baptism of Jesus. By being baptized, Jesus gave us a way to know and remember that we are all important to God. We are all beloved children of God. Part of being a church is remembering that we are connected to each other through God.
Our church is a connectional church. That means we are in a lot of places. Our building is here in Maryland, but part of us is in California helping people who lost their homes. Part of us is in Appalachia helping people who need warm blankets. Part of us is in Cuba remembering that God's love is everywhere.
Remembering you are loved and that you can love others is an important part of being connected to others. This involves empathy and resilience. Cleo Wade’s book, May You Love and Be Loved, talks about being present in moments of sunshine and music. It also hopes that "...doing the right thing will always be worth it. May you feel supported and seen and respected." One of the last pictures is of a pair of doves. That reminds me of the dove at Jesus' baptism.
How will you remember you are loved this week? Is there a way you can tell others that they are loved?
We are looking for 10+ participants for a mission trip to Richmond, Virginia, to work with the Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity affiliate,
Monday–Saturday, April 28–May 3. Click the button below for more information.
Mark your calendars today for these 2025 Music Ministry events.
Woods Church will present The Hunchback of Notre Dame the weekends of March 28–30 & April 4–6.
What makes a monster and what makes a man? Step into the heart of Paris and experience the powerful tale of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. This evocative musical, inspired by Victor Hugo’s classic novel and the acclaimed Disney animated film, brings to life the story of love, acceptance, and heroism set against the backdrop of the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral. Join us as we follow Quasimodo, the gentle bell-ringer of Notre Dame, and his journey to find acceptance and love in a world that shuns him. Alongside the courageous Esmeralda and the conflicted Claude Frollo, the story unfolds with themes of compassion, justice, the resilience of the human spirit, and finding your sanctuary.
Purchase tickets at Questions? Email Pam Ward at
Costumes is looking for a few people who can sew and would like to help with some fairly easy sewing projects for The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Fabric, pattern, and notions will be provided.
If you can help with these sewing projects, contact Susan Bohlman at or David Merrill at If you don't sew but would like to help with costumes, we would love to have you. There are many other ways that you can help out.
Creator God of all things new, we give you thanks for this year so recently past and for the many blessings received. We ask your blessing on 2025 and pray that we may help to usher in times of hope and peace in our world. Grant us good discernment and courageous ability to advocate for and to accompany others on their journeys. May we all be guided by your Word and Spirit.
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