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This week's release at a glance:
One of the marks of a vibrant church congregation is the educational and programmatic offerings for children and youth. Connecting with kids, supporting families (parents, grandparents) with young people in their homes—these are important ways we show our commitment to be the "body of Christ" caring for all its members.
Last September we welcomed Kathryn "Kat" Green as our Director of Children's Ministry. Around Kick-Off Sunday, we weren't sure if we had enough children to necessitate Sunday School classes at both worship services. But we acted on faith and volunteers stepped up, and each week we have robust attendance (including new families) during the Children's Time in worship and Sunday School classes at 9:30 and 11AM. Also, the "Jammies & Jesus" breakfast club has allowed us to connect with our youngest kids on Sunday mornings over a bowl of Lucky Charms (my cereal of choice), a bible-based conversation, prayer, and closing "dance party."
It is true that Elizabeth's departure left a significant gap in our youth programming, but again volunteers and the Youth Ministry team have stepped up mightily. We now have weekly Middle School and High School Sunday School classes offered during the 9:30AM worship hour, and we have a weekly schedule of Confirmation class instruction on Sunday afternoons. The Youth Ministry team is also making plans to roll out the Youth Group schedule, potentially meeting every other Sunday, 5:30–7PM, beginning February 19. We also are excited about the two youth special events happening later this month—the Middle School Tubing Excursion and the High School Weekend Ski Trip. For all of this to succeed, we need youth to commit to attending the classes and adults to step up as advisors, teachers, and leaders for different program offerings in the weeks ahead.
Plans for this summer's WoodsWork trip to Hartsville, South Carolina (June 22–30) are developing nicely. Registration for student participants can be done online through the end of March. And the SEEK Band and Children's Choir regularly enhance our times of worship on Sunday. It is great to see the strong legacy of these programs continue this year!
The Human Resources ministry is taking steps to advertise and consider candidates for our Youth Director staff position. This role is not an easy one to fill, but we are prayerful that the right candidate will be led to join our active congregation.
When we strive to be a church that welcomes all ages, a big part of that commitment involves nurturing the younger members of our Woods family. It is a joyful obligation that rests on all our shoulders. There is much to celebrate in what we offer at Woods. Continue to do your part to keep the celebration going!
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Randy
Woods Church is part of Baltimore Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination. The way our congregation supports the ministries of the wider church is through paying our annual per capita apportionment. For everyone listed as a member of Woods at the end of 2021, we are asked to contribute $40. These funds go to the General Assembly ($9.85), Synod ($1.15), and Presbytery ($29) branches of our denomination.
In order to maintain a balanced budget, we are asking each member and/or family (with confirmed youth and adults) to contribute the cost of the $40 apportionment.
On behalf of the staff and leadership of Woods Church, we thank you for your generosity and continued support.
Services of Wholeness with pastors and elders are small, intimate, deeply spiritual gatherings of prayer and the laying on of hands. They offer reassurance to those experiencing grief, illness, loss, or other physical/emotional concerns. The services also provide a special time to lift prayers of gratitude to God for blessings received.
Please email Maureen Adams to RSVP for our next wholeness service.
This Sunday's Children’s Moment will focus on Matthew 5:13–16, and Woods Church's light is on top of the proverbial hill.
The Children's Ministry Team is busy planning and praying for the families of our church. This month, we are looking forward to weekly holy play at Jammies and Jesus, as well as a Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21, teamed up with the Youth Ministry Team. Will you join the parade of fun?
Save Vacation Bible School dates: June 26–29, 4–7PM! We will be steaming ahead with Caring, Sharing, and Kindness!
Bless you friends for sharing your prayers, your children, and your blessings with the youngest of God's family. It is a joy to work with and for you in the name of Jesus Christ.
—Kat Green
Director of Children’s Ministry
From March 22–29, 2023, Iglesia Presbiteriana de Sancti Spiritus and Woods Church will have their first visit since January 2020. We will spend a week participating in all activities in the daily life of this active congregation: visits to shut-ins, worship services at the church, and—at two mission locations—assistance in the food project for the elderly and with the water project, as well as meeting with the Session of Sancti Spiritus Church.
The members of Woods Church have supported this partnership with their donations to the Season of Giving in December, and we are currently using those funds to fill the requests of Sancti Spiritus. Those representing Woods Church are Lee Laque, Renee Mackey, and Mark and Marty Clayton. Renee is a retired pastor, and she will be preaching on Sunday, March 26.
Please pray for safe travel, no COVID interruptions and a time of Christian love and blessing for this partnership.
Join Youth Ministry for our Middle School Tubing Trip on Saturday, February 25. This year, we are heading to Ski Liberty for a day of tubing. We’ll leave Woods Church at 8AM and return at 4PM. Your registration covers tubing and transportation with food for purchase at the venue. Cost is $50.
Join Youth Ministry for our Annual High School Ski Trip February 24–26. This year, we are going to Ski Sawmill Family Resort in Morris, Pennsylvania. If you cancel your registration, $25 of the $250 cost is non-refundable. Your registration covers:
Winter Relief is coming March 13–20. Sign-ups will start in February. At that time, you will be able to sign up to help after each Service or online in Signup Genius. There are opportunities for meal prep, brown bag lunch prep, evening and overnight chaperones, drivers, shower escorts, Stephens Ministers, laundry support, youth volunteers, and snack donations. Please help us help the homeless. If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or
The Winter Relief Shelter at Woods is in need of various supplies. Please donate NEW travel size toiletries: deodorant, soap, shampoo, and brushes/combs (conditioner, toothpaste, and toothbrushes are not needed this year). The shelter also is in need of men’s and women’s underwear and t-shirts of various sizes and socks, both dark and white. The items can be dropped off at the church office marked “Scott Wiley/Winter Relief.”
The Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund is intended to assist those who are facing eviction or utility shut-off due to lack of funds. Dick Moore is currently managing that fund under the Missions Committee (or the Missions Director when we had one).
At this time Dick is looking for a Woods member who can share the duties and also be a part of the Missions Committee. After some minimal training, that person would help respond to phone requests for financial assistance, meet with some of those who fulfill our requirements, and be the Missions Committee member to provide updates to the Committee as needed. Anyone interested, please contact Dick Moore at 410.490.7607 or and he will answer any questions.
The Deacons at Woods are bringing back our St. Patrick’s Day dinner! This event will take place on St. Patrick’s Day, Friday, March 17, 6–8PM, at the Severna Park Community Center! Dinner and Entertainment included! Keep an eye out for more information.
Join members and friends of the Woods Praise Band on Saturday, February 11, 7:30PM, for a free evening of popular acoustic music in Fellowship Hall. Coffee and refreshments will be available.
This Sunday, February 5, 9:30AM, we will have a new member class! Keep an eye out for new faces and introduce yourself! If you know anybody that may be interested, please contact Chris Swift at
If you are a caregiver to a family member or friend, this group provides an opportunity to share experiences with those in similar situations. Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month during 2023, 1–2:30PM, in the large group room of the Woods Counseling & Care Center (8 Cypress Creek Road).
The group will begin on Wednesday, February 8. Meetings will be facilitated by Teri Hocking and Jean Clarke, both long-time educators and facilitators of groups for youth and adults. To register, email Nancy Sullivan at
This is a seven-week seminar for those interested in nourishing their spirituality and addressing what really matters in life. In-person meetings will begin on Thursday, February 23, 4–5:30PM, at the Woods Counseling & Care Center. The seminar also will be offered on Zoom, date and time TBD.
Discussion will center on the book, 7 Lessons for the Living from the Dying, by hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt. To register, contact Bill Hocking at or Nancy Sullivan at
Our Administrative Assistant for W.E.L.C.O.M.E. Ministry married his partner of 5 years, lifelong Woods Member and current Elder, Perry Zemo, in a small private ceremony held in the Woods Sanctuary today at 3:30PM. The couple plan to have a larger and more open renewal of vows ceremony with more traditional elements of a wedding ceremony at a later date.
O God, help us in our lives and all our attitudes to work out this force of love, this controlling power that can solve every problem that we confront in all areas. Oh, we talk about politics; we talk about the problems facing our (modern) civilization. Grant that all people will come together and discover that we can solve the problems before us - the international problems, the nuclear problems, and yes, even the race problems. Let us join together in a great fellowship of love and bow down at the feet of Jesus. Give us this strong determination. In the name and spirit of this Christ, we pray. Amen.
Prayer by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., November 17, 1957, after a sermon on "Loving Your Enemies"
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