Messenger | December 6, 2023

Dec 06, 2023

Messenger | December 6, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • An Advent Welcome: The Artistry of Woods Church
  • Messiah Sing-Along/Play-Along
  • Blue Christmas Service
  • Christmas Eve Greeters Needed
  • It’s Almost Christmas Pageant Time
  • Woods Youth Christmas Party

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

It is especially difficult to think about this coming Sunday being week two of Advent, with a candle lit for Peace. All one needs to do is take a 10-second view of the news to witness destruction, violence, and emotional devastation all around our world.

And yet, we are called upon to internalize the blessing, “May the Peace of Christ which passes all understanding be with you this day and evermore.” From our vantage point in front of the TV and other social media, such a promise indeed passes all understanding and all of us question whether or not there is (or ever will be) an evermore.

Still and yet, we will light the candle of Peace this Sunday morning…lighting it next to last week’s Hope candle, and in anticipation of Joy and Love to come. Even if our sanctuary were to be pitch black, light would shine in the darkness when we kindle Peace on Earth.

As we greet one another with holiday wishes or care for or serve another in some way, let us think of it like lighting a candle and peacefully bringing Christ’s light to Earth.

Pastor Nancy

Church News

An Advent Welcome: The Artistry of Woods Church

This week, Pastor Randy Bush shares the stories of the Apostle Paul and Lydia of Philippi, whose bronze figures greet you at the doors to the right of our main entrance.

Messiah Sing-Along/Play-Along

On Saturday, December 16, 3PM, we will sing Part I of the Messiah. No experience needed! Come and lend your voice, or come and enjoy in this beautiful music. The evening will be led by soloists from the D.C./Baltimore Area, a string quartet, and Roderick Demmings, Jr., on the organ and harpsichord. Have little ones? Come and play along to the music using fun costumes and activities with Kat Green and the Children’s Ministry.

For more information, email David Merrill at

Messiah Play-Along

Do you enjoy dancing, playing, and making holiday crafts? If so, join us for the Messiah Play-along at Woods Church on Saturday, December 16, 3PM. Adults may sing-along, but children of all ages are invited to "play-along" with Ms. Frances and Ms. Kat. We get to see the instruments play and the soloists sing...without having to sit still! Sign in at the WELCOME desk.

Note: There's a song about sheep, so you know what that means...

Do You Have a Calling to be a Stephen Minister?

Blue Christmas is a service recalling legacies of love left to us in memory and experience. Certainly we may continue to grieve the loss of loved ones and mourn those situations of suffering throughout the world where God's people are hurting—even as the season of Christmas calls us to singing and joy. As a community of faith, we are not alone. We may companion each other by our presence, our words, and our worship of the One whose own legacy of love and comfort come to us in the word made flesh, Jesus Christ.


Please join us for Blue Christmas Service on Tuesday, December 19, 7PM, in the sanctuary.

The Chrismons Tree at Woods

The word Chrismons is a combination of Christ and Monogram, thus the monograms and symbols of Christ.

First envisioned in the mid 1940s, in 1957, Frances Spenser created 12 ornaments for the first tree at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville, Virginia. A history and instruction book, Chrismons, Basic Series, was published by the Lutheran Church in 1957. Today many patterns are online.

Susan Luck and Martha Gillerlain (who now lives in Virginia) thought a Chrismons Tree would be perfect at Woods. In l982, they visited many church collections in Maryland and Virginia. The ornaments they created were in combinations of white and gold beading and shapes, with white lights on the tree—all taken from the original instructions, an intricate artistic endeavor.

These include 16 crosses, several crowns, letters, words and many other symbols of Christ. Both Martha and Susan felt this project would be a small, but unique way of helping others worship Christ.

In 1982, Woods’ first Chrismons tree was presented during the Advent season. It was located in the center of the church (now the Narthex) where it continues to this day.

We’re Looking for a Kitchen Coordinator

Woods Church is seeking a kitchen coordinator who will assist with food ordering, preparation, and serving meals for the Child Development Center and church events. This is an hourly, full-time position and the person is eligible for Woods health insurance coverage.

To apply, submit information to John McLaughlin, director of operations, by emailing

Missions News

Give the Gift of Giving this Christmas

We would like to thank everyone that signed up to donate gifts for SPAN (children’s Christmas gifts) or gift baskets for our elderly neighbors at Pinewood Village. All gifts need to be returned to the church by Sunday, December 10, 12PM. Youth will be delivering gift baskets to the residents at Pinewood Village at noon on Saturday, December 16.

If you have any questions please contact Karen Jackson (SPAN gifts) or Oliver Page (Pinewood Village baskets) in the church office at 410.647.2550.

Thank you so much for helping us help our neighbors in need this holiday season.

Year-End Giving

Thank you very much for your ongoing participation in the life and worship of Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church and for your financial support. These tithes and offerings fund our educational programs and mission outreach, and support the work of our entire pastoral and program staff. Our annual budget is around $2 million per year and we simply couldn’t reach that level of income without the generous help of our congregation.


Over the past months, we have welcomed new staff and new church members, organized special worship services and music concerts, and provided programming and pastoral care to groups of all sizes. While the financial support we have received has been quite generous, we remain mindful that our fiscal year budget projects a deficit that will need to be covered by June 2024. Any extra contribution or support you can provide Woods Church in the next few weeks would be greatly appreciated.

Make a Contribution

Please contact Ada Sell ( or 410.647.2550), or Jonathan Davidov at Morgan Stanley ( or 410.736.5324) if you will be making a stock donation to Woods. This will ensure that your gift is posted and acknowledged in a timely manner.

Thank you again for your faithfulness in supporting our church through your financial resources. Your stewardship means a lot and makes a big difference with our ministries!

Christmas Eve Worship Schedule

Join us for worship and to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24. Our schedule is as follows:

  • 9:30AM | Morning Worship (4th Sunday of Advent)
  • 3PM & 4PM | Christmas Pageant
  • 6PM | Contemporary Christmas Eve service
  • 8PM | Traditional Christmas Eve service
  • 10PM | Traditional Communion service

We’re also looking for extra greeters who are willing to help at our services. Contact Nancy Nolan at if you’re able to help.

Christmas Eve Greeters Needed

We’re looking for extra greeters who are willing to help at our services. Contact Nancy Nolan at if you’re able to help.

Youth & Children's Ministries

It's Almost Christmas Pageant Time

Christmas Pageant Practice | Our annual Christmas Pageant is is a great way to “put on” and “enter into” the story of Jesus’ birth. It is a wonderful family experience! We’ve got shepherd and angel costumes in all sizes!

  • Adults will practice on Monday, December 18, 5PM.
  • There will be a dress rehearsal for all participants on Tuesday, December 19, 5PM.
  • The Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 24, 3PM & 4 PM.

And join us to celebrate Jesus’ birth at our Christmas Eve services on Sunday, December 24.

  • Contemporary Service, 6PM
  • Choir and Instruments, 8PM
  • Instruments, Soloists, and Communion, 10PM

Continue the Conversation at Home

Youth News

Woods Youth Christmas Party

Youth are invited to a Christmas Party on Sunday, December 17, 5:30PM, at Dee Robinson’s home. Bring a gift for the white elephant gift exchange and a snack or dessert to share.

Email Oliver Page at with any questions. See you there!

Church Family News

We’re Looking for a Kitchen Coordinator

Woods Church is seeking a kitchen coordinator who will assist with food ordering, preparation, and serving meals for the Child Development Center and church events. This is an hourly, full-time position and the person is eligible for Woods health insurance coverage.

To apply, submit information to John McLaughlin, director of operations, by emailing

Service for Alan Lupfer

A Celebration of life for Woods member, Alan Lupfer, will be held on Friday, December 8, 11AM, at the Village of Miller's Grant in Ellicott City located at 9000 Father's Legacy. Judy shares that when you come to the stop sign, make a left to find the parking.

Please keep Alan's wife, Judy, and all family and friends in your prayers.

Service for Jean Lafferty

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Elder Jean Lafferty will be held at Woods Church on Friday, December 8, 2PM. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.

Please continue to keep all of Jean's family and friends in your prayers.

Congregational Prayer

Thank you God for the gift of life today. I give thanks that your face shines upon me—for you are my salvation. During this Advent season, lead me like a shepherd. Strengthen me for whatever lies ahead. Grant me the spiritual gifts of peace, patience, kindness, and gentleness that I may faithfully show your love in word and deed to others. In Christ's name.


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