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This week's release at a glance:
Pastor’s Message
Town Hall Gathering
Kickoff Sunday
Children, Youth, & Families Open House
SPAN Food Drive
Confirmation Class
Continue the Conversation at Home
Woods Women's Circles
New Adult Education Class
Backpack Buddies Program
Someone posted on social media a while ago that the letters in the word "Presbyterian" can be rearranged to spell "Britney Spears." That bit of wordplay trivia struck me as a funny and quirky coincidence. More recently someone posted a different option for the letters in Presbyterian—they spell "Best in Prayer." For obvious reasons, I like that version better.
Since we're talking about Presbyterians, how would you characterize our church denomination? People are very prone to generalizations about churches. Hopefully most know Woods Church as a faithful congregation and a church committed to community service, pastoral care, and strong children's and youth ministries. But for some in our Severna Park neighborhood, Woods Church is part of one of those "mainline" denominations that is suspect because it is too liberal or too inclusive.
Sadly every community has churches that define themselves negatively in relation to their sisters and brothers in Christ. They may say, "We're definitely not like that other church where they do (fill in the blank) or they have a minister who is (fill in the blank) or they choose music that is (fill in the blank)." A church that defines itself in opposition to others may be successful in attracting people, but I question their effectiveness in living out the gospel—a gospel in Christ that requires us to extend grace to those who are different from us; a gospel modeled after the example of Christ whose disciples were radically different from one another; a gospel that calls us to open our doors widely that all may freely enter, as opposed to having sentries at the entrance to ensure only the "right people" come in.
For Presbyterians, the central symbols are a baptism font (where all are washed clean), an open Bible (where God's living word guides us in faith), and a communion table (around which strangers become sisters and brothers in Christ). Beyond that, labels like conservative and liberal aren't very helpful because they only succeed in keeping apart what God has always intended should be joined together in common fellowship. However, if you do like clever titles—and you are keen to rearrange the letters in "Presbyterian" to discover who we really are, I can certainly live with being called "Best in Prayer!"
All the best in Christ,
Pastor Randy
Following the 9:30AM worship service on Sunday, September 3, there will be a brief "Woods Church Town Hall." Information will be shared about our 2023–2024 budget and an update will be provided from our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). Then a time of general questions will occur to make sure everyone's up-to-date on all the happenings here at our church. It will be less formal and more fun than a traditional congregational meeting, so plan to stay for this brief gathering!
The Woods Church 2022–2023 Annual Report is now available.
Click here to access it.
The annual Woods Kickoff celebration is Sunday, September 10, 12–2PM. Come rain or shine—all are welcome!
Enjoy activities, games, Kona Ice snow cones, and box lunch selections prepared by our new kitchen coordinator, Patrice Mills.
Come and learn about the ministries of Woods Church, and find the place where you belong.
Join Oliver, Kat, and all of our volunteers for youth and children's ministries on Kickoff Sunday, September 10. Our fun will start at worship, 9:30AM, then we'll enjoy snacks and an Open House for families of children and youth. Parents should pick up their children in their respective classrooms. Grab a donut, see our meeting spaces, meet our teachers, and hear about our upcoming year!
Then stick around for our 11AM worship service, and enjoy our Kickoff Picnic at noon! There will be a bounce house and boxed lunches—and
Sundae School's the cherry on top!
Our Youth Group will start back up on Kickoff Sunday, September 10, 5PM–7:30PM with a BBQ for middle and high school students.
Then, we’ll begin meeting weekly on Sunday, September 17, 5:30–7PM, in Fellowship Hall. This fellowship time includes a meal, activity, lesson, and time for connecting with friends old and new.
On Kickoff Sunday, September 10, Woods Church will host a SPAN Food Drive. Consider making a difference and supporting our neighbors by purchasing some of the items listed below. Donations may be dropped off at the Missions table on Kick-Off Sunday.
The Woods Church Holiday Bazaar will take place on
Saturday, November 18, 9AM–1PM.
We also will be collecting donations and will happily accept the following new or gently used items starting Sunday, November 12, 12:30–5PM; and Monday–Friday, November 13–17, 9AM–5PM, in Zimmerman Hall.
If you have any questions, contact Pam Blumenthal or Beth Hadley, co chairs of the 2023 Holiday Bazaar.
Any students 8th Grade and up who haven't yet been confirmed are invited to join us for a year of faith development. Our parent meeting will be on Sunday, September 17, 4PM, in Room 212, and the class will officially begin on Sunday, September 24.
The fee for the class is $150 for the year, including two retreats!
Register online to sign up. Contact Oliver Page at with any questions.
Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" Let's Continue the Conversation at Home. How would you answer that question if you were Peter? Peter thought about what he knew about God. Peter wondered about what he had heard other people say. Then, Peter took everything he knew and what he had seen, felt, and heard Jesus say. Peter answered, "You are the son of God." I wonder what our children would say. Marie-He'le`ne Delval's book Images of God for young children is illustrated by Barbara Nascimbeni and helps children wonder about God by looking at the things around them. This book can help your child begin to build a vocabulary and understanding that God is everywhere and in everything like tears, paths, and light.
As you and your child begin a new school year, I hope you will find lots of ways to talked together around where you see God in the people, places, and challenges of your days. That is one way you can continue the conversation at home.
The Women's Circles of Woods Church will be starting a new monthly Bible study in September from New Horizon's Bible Study. You are invited to join us for this hope-filled study, titled Sacred Encounters. The author, Rev. Olive Mahabir, invites readers to consider Jesus, "the good shepherd," who shared the good news through sacred encounters with everyday people.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month, 10AM, in the Founders Room, or on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 7PM, on Zoom. Copies of Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke–Acts will be available each Sunday in August at a table in Fellowship Hall. Stop by to sign up and pick up a book. (Cost for the study guide is $10.)
The contact for Tuesday morning Circle is Bev Haines,, and for the Wednesday evening Circle it's Nancy Nolan,
Discover the good news in the Gospel of Mark. Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with scholar Amy-Jill Levine as she examines John the Baptizer, the Little Apocalypse, the Transfiguration, and several of Jesus's most notable stories and parables. The Good News of the gospel message comes alive in this book as readers see Jesus as divine and human, powerful and weak, approachable yet mysterious. The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels. Books are available on the office credenza.
The class will meet on
Sundays, September 17–October 22, 11AM, in the office conference room and on Zoom (Meeting ID 875 3771 2467 | Passcode 634741).
Led by Bill Hocking, this seminar presents a new approach to aging—one of life-long learning, healthy lifestyle practices, and spiritual growth. It's an inspirational look at aging and how to develop a creative, fulfilling aging process.
"Sage-ing" refers to becoming "spiritually radiant, physically vital, and socially responsible." The seminar delves into our interconnectedness with the earth, with nature, and discovering the most rewarding work of a lifetime: becoming a sage.
Book: Age-ing to Sage-ing (2014 edition) by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Ronald Miller
Zoom: 10AM, September 16, and every third Saturday through May 18, 2024
Zoom: September 16, 10AM, and
every third Saturday through May 18, 2024
To Register: Email or
Woods Church is offering a program for Woods members and the Severna Park community aged 65+. Monthly forums are designed to educate and promote a sense of connection and inclusion among participants as they experience the physical, financial, and social changes aging brings.
Topics include Aging; Health & Wellness; Estate Planning; Grief, Loss, & Legacy; Meaningful Movement; Tech/Media Savvy; and Elder Law.
When: Every third Tuesday, 1–2:30 pm, beginning September 26
Where: Woods Church, Fellowship Hall
What: Refreshments, conversation, forum presentation and discussion.
Contact: or
For more information about any of these opportunities, please email David Merrill at
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir’s church year has begun! All are welcome to come and sing as we sing and lead worship through all styles and genres of music. We rehearse Thursday evening’s, beginning August 31, 7PM, in the choir room. We look forward to having you with us!
Children's Choir
Our Children’s Choir is about to start back up! Wahoo! Any child in grades 1–5 is welcome to come sing! Our first rehearsal will be
Sunday, September 17, 12:15–12:45PM in the choir room. And yes, we have CANDY!
Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music? Then come on down! Any youth in grades 6–12 can join our SEEK Band. The band offers music for worship regularly, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Our first rehearsal is
Sunday, September 17, 1–2PM.
You’re invited to participate in three upcoming Anne Arundel Connecting Together Action Research Team Meetings.
Education via Zoom
Wednesday, August 30, 7PM
Attainable Housing @ First Presbyterian Church
Thursday, August 31, 7PM
Gun Violence Prevention via Zoom
Wednesday, September 27, 7PM
Did you know that in spite of the fact that Anne Arundel County has the lowest county poverty rate in Maryland, there are over 33,000 people living in poverty and nearly 1/3 of them are children! 59% of the children at Annapolis Middle School are in the school's free lunch and breakfast program (585 children). However, many of these students go home at the end of each week to a house with little or no nutritious food. This is why the Backpack Buddies Program was developed.
In order to serve the neediest students (about 75 students) at Annapolis Middle School, the Woods Church Backpack Buddies program requires $250 for each child! This provides:
Won't you please consider full sponsorship of a child ($250) or whatever you are able? Donations can be made directly to Woods Church with AMS Backpack Buddies in memo section. Donations also can be made online at We also need sponsors to help pack the backpacks on Friday afternoons. Let us know if you are willing to help.
For more information, contact Susan Bohlman (, Kim Erickson ( or Penny/Dick Moore (
O God and author of life, you cast your glory all around us. You reveal yourself in ancient stories and the give-and-take of common life. By the power of your Spirit, abide with us now wherever we might be. Open our hearts to the possibilities of this day - opportunities to serve, to reflect, to pray, to be at peace. We pray this in the name of Jesus—our hope and confidence and Savior.
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