Messenger | August 2, 2023

August 2, 2023

Messenger | August 2, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

Pastor’s Message

Introducing Oliver Page

Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund

Bowie Baysox Game

Continue the Conversation at Home: Noticing

Best Wishes to Ted Markle

Pastor's Message

Dear friends and family of Woods Church,

How do you keep informed about what's happening at our church? There are three good ways available to every one of us. First, gathering for worship (in-person or remotely with the live stream) allows you to hear the Sunday announcements and prayer requests, as well as read other church news printed in the bulletin announcement sheet.

Second, you should receive a Woods church email on Wednesdays and Fridays, with the Wednesday "Messenger" covering lots of church news and the Friday "Worship" email reminding you about the coming Sunday's events. Third, you can always go to the church's website——and near the bottom of the homepage there's a button for "Messenger & Worship News." By clicking on that, you can find all the recent church news.

One exciting development is the good work being done by our Pastor Nominating Committee. Despite only being elected two months ago, they have been diligently meeting and have completed all the necessary paperwork to begin advertising our search for a new Senior Pastor. This position description is now available on the PC(USA) website, the Baltimore Presbytery website, and on our church's website (under the link "About Woods—Interim Ministry"). Their next step is to begin receiving resumes from interested candidates and sharing the good news about the pastoral opportunities here at our church.

There's a lot in our "Woods Church story." There's the vibrancy of our worship, the caring spirit in our pastoral care ministry, the passion in our Mission programs, the energy in our Children's Ministry and excitement in our Youth Ministry (with the arrival of Oliver Page). There are environmental awards, Rehabber volunteer work maintaining our lovely facilities, the hustle and bustle of the Child Development Center, the creativity in our music ministry, and much more. Find a way to keep informed about what's happening at Woods. That way you can share the story with others and invite them to be with us as we worship God together in so many ways all week long!

All the best in Christ,

Pastor Randy

Church News

Please Welcome Oliver Page

Join us in welcoming our new Youth Director, Oliver Page, to our Woods Church family. He officially joined our staff this past Monday. Youth will have an opportunity to meet him at the Beach Party on Thursday, August 3, 5–7PM. He also will be with us for worship on Sunday, August 6.

Oliver is a youth worker equipped with tools he learned from more than eight years of experience working at camps, volunteering with organizations like Young Life and Amor Ministries, and working as a Youth Director within the Presbyterian Church. He has brought his vigor for youth ministry to Arizona, Texas, California, and, now, Maryland. He has a passion for working with young people and is full of ideas to enrich and grow this community. In addition to his commitment to ministry, Oliver is a passionate musician, loving brother and friend, and proud "nerd." He is beyond excited to bring a fresh energy and intention to Woods, working diligently to show God's love to the young people in such a special community.

Support the Woods Cecilia McKay Good Neighbor Fund

We have a need for donations to replenish dwindling assets in the Cecilia McKay Fund. You can imagine that with the paucity of rental units, people who previously were doing OK now have a rent increase in addition to gas, food, etc.

Your very generous donations during COVID have been a God-send….but they will soon be depleted. This fund provides financial assistance to those with eviction notices, power cut-off, or other utilities if deemed appropriate.

The Cecilia McKay Fund is not a part of the Woods budget and is only funded by direct donations. Won't you help with this important effort of outreach to the community? (Checks should be made out to Woods Church with Cecilia McKay in memo line).


"By my works I will show you my faith" (James 2:18)

Support the Fund

Sing in the Family Summer Choir

Come and sing with our Family Summer Choir on any of these Sundays: August 13, August 27, or September 3. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings, 8:45AM, in the Sanctuary Choir loft.

For more information, please email David Merrill at The game is

Ministry Announcements

Continue the Conversation at Home

Continue the Conversation at home with Noticing, written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Elise Hurst. Just as small things can have a big impact, being curious about your world can let little things become big things.

"One of the best things you can be is interested," the painter shared. "When you are interested, you are curious, and when you are curious, you discover things—amazing things, about yourself and about the world." A little mustard seed of noticing can change how you look at yourself, your child, and your world.

Calvin the Chipmunk Asks, "How's Your Summer Goin'?"

Have you travelled near, far, or been stay-cationing at home? Calvin reminds you and your family to reflect on how you have been involved in Woods Church Mission and Service activities in the past year. We want to celebrate that! How? "X" marks the spot on our Mission and Service Bingo! Download your sheet or pick one up at the Welcome desk at church.

If none of those activities are accessible for your family, add your own 5 boxes as a "bonus bottom row" and name the ways you and your family helped out from August 2022–August 2023. Bring your Bingo marked card to church! We have a sweet treat for those who serve in the name of Jesus!

Download a Bingo Card

Bowie Baysox Game for Youth and Their Families

 The game is Sunday, August 6, 1:05PM. There is no charge. We have a limited number of tickets and interested parties should contact Dee Robinson at or 410.241.7229 to reserve tickets.

New Bible Basics Class

In Adam Hamilton's Making Sense of the Bible, you are invited into an honest conversation about the Bible. We begin with foundational questions such as, how and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it and why? How literally must we read it? And, is the Bible ever wrong?

We will consider the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians.

In approachable and inviting language, we will try to address these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving.

Classes are held on Sundays (through August 6), 11AM, in the Office Conference Room and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 818 4983 5186 | Passcode: 551274).

Youth Summer Gatherings

Our Youth Group will next gather at Rita's Italian Ice on Wednesdays, August 9 & 20, 5–6PM. Stop by for a free Rita's ice!

Best Wishes to Ted Markle

Ted Markle, our organist and accompanist, has taken a new position at Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland. Christ Memorial is about five minutes from his house. Although this is a huge loss for Woods, we are grateful for the eight years Ted was here, and we are grateful for his leadership, kindness, and immense talent. We will surely miss him and his ministry.

Ted's last Sunday at Woods will be Sunday, August 27. A reception in his honor will take place after worship in the Fellowship Hall. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate Ted, and his amazing accomplishments!

Thank you, Ted!

In Our Community

Coed Softball

Our next game will be on Sunday, August 6, 2PM, against Heritage Church at Elvaton #1.

No experience required! Players must be at least 16 years of age by December 31, 2022. Play as your schedule permits

If you are interested, contact Andrew Wiley at 443.867.8803 or

New Art Exhibit

"Summer Fun," a new art exhibit featuring works by mother and daughter artists Jenny and Melissa Henry, is on display in the art gallery. The pieces reflect their different styles, techniques, and personalities.

The exhibit will run through September 11, and is available during normal church hours, 9AM–5PM.

Church Family News

Death Notice

It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Woods member, Elsie Jean Clark. Jean was a member of Woods Church since May 2020.


A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be announced in a future email.


Please keep Jean's family and friends in your prayers.

Congregational Prayer

May our God, who searches every heart, and may Jesus Christ, who overcomes every division, and may the Holy Spirit, who helps us in our weakness, lead each of us onward in our lives, that we may serve our God with confidence, strength and joy.


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