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This week's release at a glance:
As many of us looked into the night sky recently, we sought a glimpse of the shooting stars of the Perseids Meteor shower. There is something captivating about looking into the great unknown…places we have never been. It is both awe inspiring and daunting as we are compelled to confront our small places in the universe and our mortality.
It is also comforting to know that before we were born, others and all of creation scoured the night sky for glimpses of life beyond us, signs of wonder, and perhaps even comfort. We tend to deem the heavens God’s residence…a place we may only now observe but later will join. Like God, the stars are always there, but we may not see them—save for certain periods of time and our own seeking.
Shooting stars have particular meanings for different people. Some have believed that witnessing a shooting star brings good luck, while others interpret them as spiritual connections between spiritual and physical worlds, and still others believe you may wish upon a shooting star and have that wish granted.
Are you a scientist or a dreamer? The childhood “Star light, star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight,” brings much delight to many children hoping for dreams that will come true. My mother’s side of the family was like that. My dad’s side of the family was much more realistic. My dad’s sister countered the jingle with, “Twinkle, twinkle little star, I know exactly what you are. An incandescent ball of gas, condensing to a solid mass. Twinkle, twinkle little star, I need not wonder what you are. For seen by microscopic lens, you’re helium and hydrogen.”
Regardless of which path you choose (for there is no right or wrong), we are still counted among those stars. And, from faith’s vantage point, we are all parts of God’s creation.
—Pastor Nancy
Please visit the new art display in the Gallery. This month’s exhibit, Contemporary Collage, is by artists from The Chesapeake Collage Guild. They are an informal group of art-friends who, for years, have shared their diverse creative ideas, media expertise, and artistic visions. Last year, they agreed to a joint pursuit—collage expression. Each guild member—professional or serious amateur—has brought their unique personality to this broad, dynamic medium. Because collage defines itself, their exhibits showcase a variety of innovative and classic techniques, grand-scale to contemporary charm.
Following worship on
Sunday, August 18, the artists will be in the Gallery to discuss their art work.
Come and sing with us on these summer Sundays, August 18 and September 1. Members of the Adult Choir will meet at 8:45AM in the Sanctuary to rehearse an anthem, and then sing it for worship!
It’s fun, easy, and a great way to lend your voice over the summer! For more information, please email David Merrill at
On Sunday, August 25, 10:30–11AM, come be part of the Joyful Noise of Sunday morning. Our Youth and Pre-K–Elementary programs will welcome the new year with an Open House and Orientation.
Both parents and students are invited to come see and hear what is new, what is coming, and what is joyful in Sunday School. OK! (Oliver and Kat) will speak briefly about their hopes and expectations for the coming year. They also will share how they are getting ready for Kick-Off Sunday.
See the rooms, eat the snacks, share the joy!
This Stewardship season, our Clouds of Witnesses have pledged $1,351,716, which represents 88% of our $1,540,000 goal. Thank you so much for your continued support of Woods missions.
If you have not done so already, please make your pledge online at or fill out a pledge card in the front office.
We are in need of additional ushers to assist during worship. If you are interested in being a part of this important ministry, please reach out to Paul Self at
Join us for worship on Sundays this summer for a blended service at 9:30AM. This single-service will continue through Kick-Off Sunday, September 8.
Woods Church is seeking an enthusiastic, energetic person to serve as Coordinator for Children's Ministry. This position provides support for the Children's Ministry by organizing and supporting leaders, teachers, and groups to work together in furthering the Christian education of children—from birth through fifth grade. The coordinator maintains ministry records, recruits and schedules volunteers including the nursery staff, and completes other projects as assigned. This is a 20- hour per week position requiring Sunday mornings with additional hours to be scheduled in conjunction with the Director of Children's Ministry. Familiarity with Word, Excel, and Canva preferred.
This position reports to the Director of Children's Ministry. For more information, contact Kat Green at
Woods Church is looking to hire an accountant—someone to maintain the various church funds and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the church’s Financial Policies & Procedures Manual. This is a benefit eligible, 40-hour per week position. Knowledge of accounting software and Microsoft Office applications required.
If you’re interested in this position, please contact John McLaughlin at
410.647.2550 x335 or
Yikes! Have you noticed the price of everything going up? Every time a rental property comes up for renewal, the price per month increases, and electric costs are going up as well.
Many of those who serve you at local restaurants, mow your lawn, change the oil in your car, etc., are living on the edge of poverty due to uncertainty of and success of their businesses.
How would you decide to spend your declining income, feed your family, fix your car so you can get to work, pay your medical co-pay so your child can see a doctor? And what if these same individuals get sick themselves and miss a few days of work (no pay)? They usually postpone paying rent or utility bills while hoping next month will be better.
In the 2023–2024 Church year, Woods Church has received 402 requests for financial assistance! Of those, the Cecilia McKay Fund provided $20,355 to help 109 individuals/families with financial assistance to prevent eviction or utility shut off.
Every number is going up each year. This fund is not a budget item; it relies on directed donations from you! We definitely would not have been able to help those 109 families without your support. We are the hands and feet of Christ here on Earth today! No donation is too small. Click here to make a contribution online.
"Just as you did it to one of the least of did it to me." (Matt 25:40)
Are you interesting in participating in a mission trip with Baltimore Presbytery to the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) in Guatemala, November 2–9? The trip will focus on causes of immigration, as well as visits to CEDEPCA programs that support women and families, efforts to reduce emigration and domestic violence, and projects to provide sustainable employment within the country.
If you would like more information, email Sher at or call at
All women are invited to join us as we explore with all our hearts, God’s Call to care for creation. Our first meeting will be in person on Tuesday, September 10, 10AM, in Founders Room. We will continue to meet monthly on the second Tuesday.
Our study this year will be Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation. The author is Patricia K. Tull.
If you haven’t yet picked up a study guide, give Bev Haines a call at 410.551.8412. They cost $10.
Also, there will be an evening Women’s Circle Bible Study on Zoom. The first meeting will be Wednesday, September 25, and will continue to meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month and will be using the same study guide as above.
Questions? Contact Nancy Nolan at 410.544.8378. Nancy also will send you the link for Zoom.
The time has to come to register for the 2024–2025 Confirmation Class! Students in 8th grade and up will meet every Sunday, 2–3PM, in Room 212, beginning on September 15. We have a great year planned for you, complete with regular guest speakers from our Woods community, service projects, and both Fall and Spring Retreats. The cost for the whole year, including retreats, is $150 per student. Registration is open online.
If you aren't sure if Confirmation is for you, feel free to reach out to our Youth Director, Oliver Page, to learn more! You can reach him at
All high school youth are welcome to join us at our new Bible Study, Film and Faith! will be meeting throughout the summer, every Tuesday night , 7PM. Each week, we will be looking at scripture through the lens of some of our favorite movies! (We’ll gather immediately following Tuesday Night Thrive!). We hope to see you there!
For more information, contact Oliver Page at
Continue the Conversation at Home from Sunday morning. Dr. Sarah was telling us about shining the light of God's love. I wonder what that light might look like or feel like? That reminds me of a book called, "What Does Peace Feel Like?" by V. Radusky and children from all over the world. There are so many ways to say "peace," but we all agree it is a wonderful feeling. I wonder how you will shine the light of God's love to your family and your community. I wonder how that peace will feel.
The Backpack Buddies program at Annapolis Middle School will begin sending weekend food home for 60 or so food insecure students. We are asking for a donation of $300 per student. This covers weekend food for the school year; First Friday of the month lunches (pizza or Chick-fil-A); $25 grocery gift cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter; $25 birthday gift cards; and high school UA backpacks for the 8th graders in the program in June.
Of course, any donation is welcome. Checks should be made out to Woods Church with Backpack Buddies in the memo line. They can be given directly to Susan Bohlman or left in the Backpack box in the Church office. Or you may contribute online at and click on “Give.” Select “Backpack Buddies” in the dropdown menu so your donation is credited appropriately.
t is with great joy that together the Presbytery of Arkansas and Second Presbytery Church (USA) of Little Rock, Arkansas, announced the Ordination and Installation of the Rev. Elizabeth B. Cahoon to take place on Saturday, August 17.
Elizabeth served at Woods Church as the Youth Ministry Director before taking the call to serve at Second Presbytery Church.
We share in prayers of thanksgiving for Elizabeth for the time she served here at Woods Church and continues to serve the youth at Second Presbytery Church. If you wish to send a card to Elizabeth, you may do so to:
Rev. Elizabeth Cahoon
Second Presbyterian Church
600 Pleasant Valley Drive
Little Rock, AR 72227
Loving God, you created us in your image to serve others in love and to foster peace on Earth. We pray that your Spirit will guide us and lead us to be peacemakers regardless of the differences among us. We pray this day for all of your children and to encourage us to be citizens of free and peaceful nations.
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