Messenger | January 10, 2024

Ian Faight • Jan 10, 2024

Messenger | January 10, 2023

This week's release at a glance:

  • Pastor’s Message
  • Congregational Meeting
  • Winter Relief Sign-Ups
  • New Adult Ed Class
  • A Note From Kat About This Sunday
  • Continue the Conversation at Home
  • Choirs Are Tuning Up
  • The Secret Garden

Pastor's Message

Dear Friends and Family of Woods Church,

As we move into the new year we do not go alone. God accompanies and guides us while we companion each other. Some of us have made resolutions about how we intend to live differently and about the goals we intend to pursue. Such a “starting over” is traditional (and often whimsical for our intentions may be good, but not always realistic). We must remind ourselves that God’s intentions for us are proven and reliable from beginning to end.

This does not mean that we will not struggle or suffer. Life is full of challenges, disappointments, and the consequences of mortality. And still, as people of God, we may celebrate life and accept the invitation to participate in the alleviation of struggle for others.

This week, we will remember two individuals who did just that: the Rev. Dr. Terry Schoener and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Providentially, these two men honored the call to faith and service and, at one point, their lives intersected and they joined forces in the support of struggle in the Civil Rights Movement. Both called by God and both enduring and responding.

Perhaps our resolution for this new year may be simple: to celebrate God’s presence with us and call to service, and to be grateful for one another and the vision of Woods Church: to transform lives and society in the name of Jesus Christ.

—Pastor Nancy

Church News

Congregational Meeting

There will be a brief congregational meeting between our two worship services on Sunday, January 21. It will begin at 10:25AM, and have four items of business: Approving Pastoral Terms of Call, Approving Updated Bylaws, Financial Update, and PNC Update. Download a copy of the amended Woods Church bylaws, including a summary outlining the major changes. Please join us for this important church meeting.

Download the Amended Bylaws Download the Summary of Changes

Missions News

Winter Relief Sign-Ups

Winter Relief is coming January 22–29, 2024. During this time, our church serves as a shelter for people who are housing insecure. Please sign up to donate a meal or volunteer at the shelter below or going to Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, January 14. There are many ways you can show Christ's love to our neighbors in need. We need assistance with meal prep, brown-bag lunch prep, snack donations, evening and overnight chaperoning, driving, and escorting guests to showers at the community center. There are volunteer opportunities for youth and Stephen Ministers, as well.

If you want more information about Winter Relief and how you can help, please contact Scott Wiley at 410.353.1491 or email

From Our Friends at STAIR

From Our Sister Church in Cuba

The most recent need for families of our sister church in Cuba is finding enough food. Woods was able to partner with an organization located in Cuba to purchase supplies and have them shipped directly to the church for distribution.

Our dear friends at Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada in Sancti Spiritus were immensely grateful and sent us a photo of some of the provisions they received, along with this message:

"Many thanks to Woods Memorial for sharing with us. We are grateful for the help because Cuba is living in very difficult and hard times. Greetings to the whole congregation."

It is the goal of the Missions Ministry to continue to send food supplies each month as long as possible. If you would like more information about our work with this church, please contact Marty Clayton at

Education & Small Groups

New Adult Ed Class

Adult Education is offering a new study on The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine, Sundays through February 11, 11AM. Jesus provided his disciples teachings for how to follow God’s word, parables to help them discern questions of ethics and of human nature, and beatitudes for comfort and encouragement. But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers—then and now—have found difficult. He instructs disciples to act as if they are slaves, and to sell their possessions and give the money to the poor. Dr. Levine shows how these difficult teachings might be interpreted today.

Books are on the office credenza. Class will meet in the office conference room and on Zoom.

“Spiritual Warrior” Pathway

On Sunday, February 4, 11AM, Woods member John Officer will join us in Room 208 to discuss his approach to discerning and navigating a more effective path through life by encompassing traits from both our warrior and spiritual selves.

Productivity without a spiritual component can result in a hollow existence, while spirituality without warrior function may limit our effectiveness in getting things done. Pulling from his years of experience as a highly successful coach at the collegiate level (including 30 years at the USNA), Officer has identified a pathway to greater personal fulfillment in his concept of the “Spiritual Warrior.”

Savvy Seniors Postponed

The Savvy Seniors meeting scheduled for this Tuesday, January 16, has been postponed. Savvy Seniors will resume on Tuesday, February 20, 1PM.

Youth News

Upcoming Youth Events

Middle School Tubing Trip

On Saturday, February 10, middle schoolers are going tubing at Whitetail Resort! We will depart from the church at 9AM, via bus, and return at 5PM that same day. 6th-8th graders are invited to join us for a day of fun on the slopes!

High School Ski Trip

On Friday–Sunday, February 23–25, high schoolers are spending the weekend skiing at Ski Sawmill Family Resort! 9th-12th graders are invited to join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship. We will leave from the church on Friday, 5PM, and return on Sunday, 6:30PM.

WoodsWork 2024

Woodswork Registration is open! All rising 8th graders through graduated 12th graders are invited and encouraged to join us on our building trip to Roanoke, Virginia, June 18–26.

Children's News

A Note From Kat About This Sunday

This week, our children's Sunday School curriculum, Growing in Grace and Gratitude, will talk about Jesus starting his ministry on earth. We will lift up one of our legacy leaders, Jeanne Fogle, in the children's moment.

I knew of Jeanne Fogle before I even came to Woods Church. I have her book on the sacraments. It has been a treasured resource for years. She is one of my teachers! Imagine my surprise to find out that she served here at Woods! She directed Woods Church's children's ministry and children's choir for many years. She is especially remembered for her work/ministry with puppetry and making children storytellers for Jesus—like VBS 2023.

The children's ministry and rehabbers have spruced up our puppet storage. This Sunday, we will dedicate our new puppet closet to be used for the glory of God in honor of her ministry among us.

This coming weekend is one during which our nation remembers the life and ministry of one of Jesus' followers: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Recently, I noticed that Dr. King's sermon about being a drum major for peace says he wants to be remembered as someone who fed the hungry and cared about the poor.

That reminds me of the Matthew 25 call to feed the hungry, help the poor, and visit the sick and imprisoned. It strikes me that Jesus was a drum major of God’s Love, and Jeanne Fogle was a drum major for our Children’s Ministry at Woods Church and throughout the Presbyterian Church.

Join us in person or online this coming Sunday to celebrate those who show us the way to love God and to share God's love, like Jeanne Fogle.

Continue the Conversation at Home

Let's Continue the Conversation at Home from Sunday morning. We talked about creation and baptism. Both of these are ways that we remember that God blessed water and blesses us. Baptisms often happen as a beginning. It can be the beginning of your life, as a baby, or it can be the beginning of a new relationship of loving and following Jesus.

This weekend, we have a funeral at church for someone who was our pastor for a long time, Rev. Dr. Terry Schoenherr. So many people will come together to remember him and will be sad that his body is no longer with us. That reminds me of a book, of course. A Kids Book About Death by Taryn Schuelke reminds us that death is part of our body being alive. There are big emotions that come with death. It is okay to talk about those emotions. It also is ok to talk about the person you love and miss.

The book also has suggestions for how to keep that love and relationship going. You can wear the person's favorite color. Or watch their favorite sports team! For me, I like to go to the beach. There, I can remember the people I love. I can remember that God gave me a baptism promise. I can feel close to those I love and those who love me.

What do YOU do to remember or feel close to someone you love or miss? They could have moved away or have died. Let me know below.

Music News

Choir's Are Tuning Up

For more information on any of our choirs, please email David Merrill at

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir has started! Come join us as we sing and lead worship through all styles and genres of music. All are welcome to come and sing! We rehearse Thursday evenings, 7PM, in the choir room. We look forward to having you with us!

Children's Choir

Any child in grades 1–5 is welcome to come sing in our Children’s Choir! Our first rehearsal will be Sunday, January 14, 12:15–12:45PM, in the choir room. And yes, we have candy!


Do you play an instrument, enjoy singing, or just love music… then come on down! Any youth in grades 6–12 is welcome to join our SEEK Band. The SEEK Band offers music for worship regularly, with many wonderful solo and musical opportunities. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, January 14, 1–2PM.

The Secret Garden

Come and experience this beautiful musical, March 8–10 & 15–17, 7:30PM! This is a truly poignant and uplifting story about love, hope, and finding one's home. The story follows that of 12-year-old Mary Lennox, and her journey in finding her home: The Secret Garden. Within the church, we will use the imagery of a garden to represent our church and church community, as we nurture one another, grow and learn together, and guide each other along the way. We have incredible vocalists from the surrounding area, professional choreography, and beautiful lighting!

Tickets are $15; doors open at 7PM. For more information, please visit our ticket website at

Hair Design Help Needed

We are in need of help with hair design for The Secret Garden. This would include creating ideas for specific hair looks and applying those ideas during our tech week and show days. If you enjoy working with hair, we would love to have you!

Email David Merrill at if your interested in helping.

Church Family News

Service for Rev. Dr. Terry Schoener

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection for the Rev. Dr. W. Terry Schoener, Woods Church’s Pastor Emeritus, will be held on Saturday, January 13, 1PM.

Rev. Dr. Schoener was the senior pastor at Woods Church from 1979–2006, and was responsible for the development of many community services, including the Community Center, Sunrise of Severna Park, Woods Counseling and Care Center, and Back Pack Buddies. A significant leader in the Civil Rights movement, he was known for his faithfulness to God’s call, his personal commitment to the church, and his devotion to family.

The service will be followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.

Congregational Prayer

Living God, maker of all that is, we thank you for the gift of this day. Let me be a light in your world each day, reflecting your love and offering you praise by my humble acts of service and devotion. Guide me into this new year and make me an instrument of your peace. In Christ's name we pray.


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30 Aug, 2024
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